Chapter 6, Introductions

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I feel sick.

"Before we start, let's go around and begin the introductions, starting from the front." Hunter says, then points at a girl up front. "You, with the braids, you are...?"

"Umm." The girl nervously stutters.

I block out every word she says as I try not to throw up at the suddenness of him showing up, here of all places, at Camp Rejected.

"Are you alright? You look pale." Sam whispers close to me.

People in the group continue to introduce themselves, and it's getting closer to me who is sitting at the back, yet all I can think about is getting up and running away.

What if he doesn't recognize me? It's been 6 years...

Oh god, what if he does recognize me? He only looked at me for a few seconds 6 years ago, and he only heard my name once since then...

"I'm... fine." I force out to Sam, who's looking at me worriedly.

I look up at Hunter again and there's no mistake... it's definitely him, but older, he should be 27 now... he was 21 when he rejected me, yet he's changed so much and yet, not at all.

He no longer looked like that boy who broke my heart, he looked like a man in control as he went around the room and listened intensively to people introducing themselves.

He's still as handsome as the first time I saw him, only now he's gotten even more attractive and manly.

Now I know who the two girls in front of me were talking about, it was Hunter.

It feels like my heart is breaking all over again.

Can he feel this too?

He reaches Sam and I can't help but hold my breath as I'm next.

"I'm Sam Woodlock and I'm from White Claw pack." Sam introduces himself, gaining a few lustful looks from girls in our group.

Hunter's eyes harden at Sam sitting next to me but cover it with a smile before anyone notices.

"And what's unique about you Sam Woodlock?" He asked Sam.

Sam, oblivious to Hunter's change in tone, smiles widely. "My ability to track, I'm my pack's number one tracker." He says proudly.

I didn't know that about Sam, and when he turns to me, he smiles warmly.

"Next." Hunter says slowly, making me turn to see him staring down at the piece of paper on his folder, with a list of our names on it.

He knows who I am, how could he not?

"Carly." I say, not looking at him as my hands begin to shake as he continues to intimidatingly stare at me.

"Louder, so we can all hear you." He says, loudly.

Why is he doing this to me? I know he heard me, and so did everyone else.

"Carly." I say louder. "Carly Adams."

I grip the grass roughly as I feel myself begin to shake as all eyes land on me, and before I get the urge to stand up and walk away from how much he's humiliating me right now, I stop when I feel a comforting touch on my back.

Sam puts his hand on my back, obvious to how tense I am as he comforts me.

"Carly." Hunter tests my name on his tongue, making my stomach do flips and my hands begin to sweat.

"And what's unique about you, Carly Adams?" He asks, making me raise my head to look at him, and everyone in group 3 look at me.

Those green eyes... I forgot how they made me feel the first time, it's been so long... but that was then, and this is now and right now, he's humiliating me again, in front of people, again.

I ignore turn my gaze from him and look to Sam, who's still comforting me on my back.

With a smile, I steady my heartbeat and open my mouth, ignoring Hunter's gaze.

With a smile, I turn back to Hunter and decide what I'm going to say next.

Taking a deep breath, I keep my face straight. "What makes me unique..." I pause. "I can play the piano with my tongue." I say, ignoring the looks on people's faces as rhey change.

The group falls silent as Hunter's face hardens at my childish reply, but none of that affects me when the group, plus Sam and Bethany when break out laughing at my answer.

Hunter's face says it all, and oh boy did that feel good when his jaw clenched as people laughed, his hard eyes never left mine, right up until the group calmed down.

He moves on to Bethany and I felt proud of myself as I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding as he stops focusing on me, and it feels exhilarating...

Despite my win, I know the joke is still on me and this changes nothing.

Hunter is here, and he's my group leader, and from the look on his face, he's as unhappy about that fact as much as I am.

Camp Rejects has officially gotten worse, just when I thiught my life couldn't possibly get any worse, he shows up.

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