Chapter 13, Bitter start

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The first thing I feel once I open my eyes is how sore my muscles feel and how painful my head hurts.

I try to sit up in my bed but my whole body is aching, a familiar feeling from my last heat, but this time it was different, I shouldn't have gone into heat this early.

My heat wasn't supposed to come until a few more months, so that must be why I feel worse than last time, it was too soon for me and my beast side to comprehend.

Sitting up, I try and rub my eyes free from sleep, and to get rid of how blurry my vision is.

I hear a noise that makes me jump... the sound of a toilet flushing so I know it's Bethany.

I'm still in the cabin, and no Alpha is questioning me, which means Bethany kept her promise to not tell anyone about my early heat.

When I'm no longer hearing the splitting of my head, I have to thank her... I know she must've been scared out of her mind seeing me like that, I know I would be if I was her.

The door to the bathroom opens and that's exactly when it hits me, the shift in the room, it feels different.

It smells different.

My senses come to me and that's when I realize just where I've smelled this scent before, but I don't have to think hard.

Hunter comes out of the bathroom, drying his hands with a towel, and when she sees me he stops in his tracks.

I'm either having a really vivid nightmare, or Hunter just walked out of the bathroom and into my room.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, not moving from the doorway of the bathroom.


I whip my head to the bed next to me, and it's empty, Bethany isn't here... which means-

"She's not here." Hunter says, moving from the doorway a bag I don't recognize, hanging up.

I'm stunned without words, and left watching him like a hawk as the room falls silent, he goes into his bag and takes something out, then steps forward towards me, making me shift back into the corner of my bed on impulse.

Stopping, Hunter growls out lowly. 

"I'm not going to hurt you Carly." He says, kneeling down next to my bed, holding a small bottle out to me. 

"This will help with the headache you're probably having."

When I don't take it from him, still trying to process what the hell is happening and why he's here, he drops it next to me on the bed and gets up from kneeling next to my bed.

"I know you don't want me here, but don't be spiteful and not take the medicine because of me." He says with a deep sigh and incoherent curses once he walks away.

"Just take it, it'll help."

I warily take the bottle with shaking hands and see that it's what my mom used to get me whenever I woke up from the day after my heat.

Opening the bottle, I drink it fully with a grimace as soon as the taste of the strong disgusting liquid touches my tongue, feeling as if I'm drinking hospital detergent.

I cough out as it travels down my throat. "W-Where's Bethany?" I ask, my voice dry and sore. "My roommate?"

Sighing, Hunter turns and stares at me with a passive glare. "She went to get you some food."

I nod robotically as the room falls silent, making it feel uncomfortable to breathe in his presence.

With his scent being as strong as it is, and the effects of the heat still lingering, it's making it hard to even look at him, knowing once I do I'll regret it.

"Carly." He starts, making me shiver when my name leaves his mouth. 

Stepping forward, Hunter sits on the bed and I turn my gaze to stare at the floorboards, my hands shaking under the bed as I feel my back sweat from his intense gaze.

"Look at me." He ordered softly, making me swallow the dry lump in my throat painfully.

I look at him, and like I knew I would... I regret it, because looking at him makes my heart beat wildly with longing... every time I see his face is painful, yet I crave it, like an addict I want to hurt more.

Just as long as he looks back at me.

"You should leave." I force out, fisting my hands painfully tight under the blanket.

Hunter stands up and turns to me, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he clenches his fists and breaths heavily.

"Leave?" He mutters out bitterly with a laugh.

"You almost fucking died!" He snaps out angrily, making me jump in my skin and my body tremble.

Hunters' eyes change color. "Why didn't you speak to me?" He asks, desperately, like a wild animal as he begins to pace. "You avoided me, you knew who I was but you said nothing."

He stops pacing. "Don't you realize how fucking reckless you were?" He shouts at me.

"Do you value your life so little that you'd risk it to hide the fact I'm your mate?! You could have died, or do you not care?" He spits out, with a snarl in his tone as he spoke contemptuously 

"You were my mate." I added, finding some shred of confidence. "You rejected me, six years ago."

Hunter draws in a violet breath. "Shut your fucking mouth." 

I'm shaking uncontrollably because I've never been in a situation where an Alpha is so close to shifting from anger, and I can tell that Hunter wants to shift and that he's hanging on by a thread to stop it from happening.

"I'm still you mate, whether you like it or not." He snarls out as he turns around and grips his hair in his hand.

"I can't be here."

I don't have time to process any of my emotions and thoughts as Hunter grabs open the front door to the cabin roughly, slamming it against the wood wall before leaving out the front door, leaving me sitting there breathing heavily, and staring at the spot he was just stood in.

His last words repeat over and over in my head 'I'm still your mate, whether you like it or not', not sure what he meant by it, but now I know...

I'm not the only one affected by either one of us being here, him being here proved that.

I hear footsteps and I get out of the bed, with the hope that he came back so I can ask him what he meant, but when I see who it is, I stop in my steps and release a shaky breath.

"Hey, you're finally awake!" Bethany says surprised, holding a plate with food. 

What the hell was I hoping? 

I can't even look at him, what did I hope would happen if he came back?

Hunter... why did you come? Why even bother at all... it's been six years already.

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