23. Akutagawa

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The next morning brought a cooler, cloudy day. Perhaps today the sun wouldn't blare so brightly down on the sands.

For a long time all we did was stare outside the window. One thing I'd began to observe is that Atsushi was slow to rise. The process of about half an hour consisted of laying around and looking stupidly around the room. Now, his eyelids drooped only slightly as he stared out, hands clasped over his blanket.

I shifted carefully, but the rustle of fabric still caught his attention. I coughed with a hint of awkwardness. "It looks like it may rain."

He drew his knees up, stretching his shoulders back. "Hmm... what do we do then?"

"There has to be something inside we can do."

He paused for a moment, a huge yawn parting his jaws. I suppose that's a side effect of being a jinko. "Do you think Dazai and Chuuya will come?"

"I don't know if they could even hold a civil conversation right now. What exactly makes you care anyway?"

"I know for a fact you care about Dazai too. I just... think it's nice when we can all get along, y'know?"

I scoffed. Even he should know that this was merely temporary, even if it was... fun. Silly bonds like these never mattered much once they are inevitably severed.

"Don't get used to it. Eventually, the mafia always retreats back to the darkness."

I expected him to mutter something about how prickly I am, sigh irritatedly, pout a little, something. But he just looked at me with a sad-looking smile. "I know."


The map showed a downstairs area with a small arcade. Quite overpriced for what it was, but as rain began to patter on the side of the windows, we had no choice but to find something inside.

Atsushi bounced on his heels as we waited. He said that an arcade was a classic childhood experience--one he'd never received at his orphanage. To me, there was no point. I had no desire to frolic like a child I never was. I was lucky to have an overhang to sleep under at night; I had no time to want for something so superficial.

The games were neon and brightly lit, annoying music blaring out of speakers. I couldn't understand the quickly spoken words in a language I wasn't quite accustomed to. No doubt they were something silly.

We settled at a duo game, the premise being to step on the correct arrows to a song's rhythm. I didn't think my rhythm was particularly good, but Atsushi insisted, and I begrudgingly agreed to compete.

The easy level turned out to be too much so. He spoke freely as his feet moved, hardly making mistakes. I wondered how he multitasked so seamlessly.

Soon I was able to relinquish my duty to someone else ready to play and absent-mindedly inserted one of my coins into a machine with a big claw. Of course, I had no interest in the brightly colored plushies inside, but I needed something to do.

I pressed down, and the claw dropped sharply. It's arms clamped shut onto the limp neck of the cat plushie and it was carried wobbily over to the corner before being dropped. I blinked once, heaving a sigh as I push open the compartment to claim the cutesy toy. It stared up at me with hard, unfeeling eyes.

I feel a small tug on my coat. I hum quietly in confusion as I turn, the large shiny eyes of a little girl staring up.

"Mister?" She outstretches tiny hands with a coin in the middle of her palm. "Will you get me one too, mister?"

I blink as she does, and she gives me a smile. "Of course, I'll attempt."

I took the coin from her hand and booted up the machine once more. She bounced and pointed at a plushie. A white tiger.

Someone giggles beside me. I finally notice Atsushi had made his way over to me. I ignore him, and place my focus back onto the plushie. The claw grabs at the ear, and the plushie hangs precariously in the balance.

The little girl squealed as it dropped into the compartment, snatching it out and giving it a tight hug. "Thank you! Mister..."




She giggles sheepishly, swaying with her new toy.

"Just... call me Aku."

"Okay! Mister Aku, come play!"

She runs off to her next game,  leaving me with an astonished jinko. "You were so... kind!"

"...You don't know what you're talking about, jinko."



turns out my homework load was more than i bargained for, haha. i kept coming on to see if i could get something done and my notifications were going strong so sorry for the wait everyone, especially new people, i understand if i get into something new and it's on hiatus im like nooo lol
i can't promise i will update again soon but ill do what i can

on another note, i went to my Halloween choir  concert in Atsushi cosplay AND SOMEONE ELSE WAS THERE IN YOSANO COSPLAY
i was so happy lol

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