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"you thought this was real?" 

i was dating the perfect guy at my school. he's anything you could ever ask for, except for one thing.

no one knows were dating. 

he hasn't told his friends anything. it's like i'm not even a person to him.

he constantly ignores me at school and borderline bullies me, but outside of school he's the biggest suck up.

were nearly the perfect couple, aside from the fact that in shcool i'm not a person to him. 

at this point, i contemplate breaking up with him. i don't want to have to because i love him but we spend so much time at school so most of our time is spent apart. 

i think i know why. he's the popular jock and i'm just some nerd.

i sigh as i turn away from my journal, once again filling another page of complaints about my oddball relationship. i hear a ring at my front door and i grab my bag, rushing down the stairs.

i pull open the door and see him standing there, h/n.

"what do you want, h/n?" i sigh as i pull my shoes on.

"i'm here to take you to school. do you not want a ride?" he groans almost as if annoyed with me. 

"no, i'm driving myself today." i grab my keys and step past him, locking the door behind me.

"when did you get a car? i always drive you." he says, seeming upset but i brush it off.

"i got a car when i got my license, a month and a half ago. maybe if you payed more attention to me than your idiotic friends you'd know a thing or two. now if you don't mind, i have to get to school." i completely push past him and walk to my car, not bothering to hear what he has to say. 

i get in my car and immediately drive off.

i watch in my rear view mirror as he makes a call while getting into his car. i scoff and i focus on driving, completely over dealing with him. 

i get to school and immediately know something is off, i walk through the halls making my way to my locker finding out that everyone is whispering about me.

what did this dickhead do now?

i dump my shit in my locker and slam it shut as i see him walking into school with his arm around my ex best friend.

i swing my bag around my shoulder and walk up to them.

"what's going on here?" i gesture towards the closeness between them.

"we're dating, obviously." exbsf/n sighs as she flicks my forehead.

i slightly widen my narrow eyes and furrow my brows as i search h/n's face for any form of lie or joke. 


my shoulders drop and i sigh. 

"who knew you were the biggest dick in school with the smallest one here." i glare at him. 

"what's that supposed to mean?" exbsf/n chimes in. 

"his dick isnt even 2 inches. you've got yourself a good one, hun. have fun." i glare at her and turn my attention to him. 

finally some form of sadness. damn hes good at masking his emotions. 

"h/n, were over. i hope you feel accomplished. getting with the nerd for a bet or whatever it was you got with me for." i step close to him.

"you thought this was real? youre so so wrong. you used me, h/n and i hope someone uses you the same way so you know how i've felt for the past year. oh, happy one year by the way." i turn away, leaving the two to have each other for themselves. 

i hear as h/n drops to his knees in front of everyone.

"y/n, i love you." i hear from behind me, as im down the hall i turn around and say my final words before heading to class.

"no you dont, youre only saying that because you think you do. youre only saying that because you like the thought of being with me. if you were really in love with me h/n, you wouldn't have ignored me at school 24/7. youre fucked up and i hope you find someone who treats you the same." i dissapear through the students that were heading to their classes as he sits there, crying silently. 

i get into class and i sit down, hearing a cough from beside me.


"are you two finally over?" he says, leaning closer.

"yeah, i broke it off." i sigh as i slump down in my chair.

"so i can finally have you to myself?" he mumbles for only us two to hear as students come into the class.

i smile and nod as he moves his chair close to me, i lean my head on his shoulder and wait for class to start. his arm wrapped around my waist. 

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