Northerners Don't Forget

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The green trees turned white, as piles of snow suddenly appeared. Every inch of ground was wet, and the wheels of the carriage slipped and rose out of small potholes of mud.

Brand had suggested taking Lucas on a small adventure, and he agreed happily, wanting to learn more about his mentor. What he didn't expect was for it to be a mission of huge political importance.

"I really shouldn't be here," the young mage thought out loud, shifting uncomfortably in his seat as Brand explained their objective.

"Nonsense! It'll be good for you," Brand chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder, "the others wanted me to take care of this mess, so I will. I was originally from the north, after all," he smiled, "and we need allies if there is as much trouble near the capital as you told me," Brand continued with a tone of concern, "still I'm very proud of you, most people would have stayed in that carriage till a sword came through its sides!"

Lucas thought Brand was laughing, but there was almost pain in it.

"I'm just lucky we survived," Lucas said back.

"No, you weren't lucky, you had good friends, and you were wonderful yourself, remember that. Your own skill is not something worth underestimating," Brand said seriously.

Lucas didn't want to respond, so instead he looked out the window. Along with the snowy terrain he heard the vibrant sounds of running water, and although most rivers had only rickety wooden bridges to cross, the major ones had whole towns around them. With proper stone bridges Lucas had never seen before. And houses made of whole logs bigger than any his village ever had.

Yet, the further they went into the thick forests and snow the fewer of those towns he saw. Hours came and went, and the sun sank below the horizon before Lucas noticed. Not knowing the terrain well enough to find a place to rest during the dark, they made a basic camp. Brand told him to sleep well today, for tomorrow would be important, and the two drivers took turns on watch.

Still, something bothered Lucas, shadows trailed behind him, he was sure, yet Brand told him it was nothing. And he knew nothing of the northern kings they were sent to sway.

*'There must be more to all this... Even I heard stories of the brutality of the northern men, Brand couldn't have possibly brought me alone,'* Lucas wondered to himself as he tried to fall asleep. The mat of grass and hay under him reminded him of home. So despite his worries in a blink the sun came up again, and after a short breakfast they left for the road.

"That was a good change from sleeping in the stuffy academy, don't you think Lucas?" Brand laughed like always.

"Yeah, I agree," the young mage found himself swept along with their trip.

A week later, they had finally gotten close to their destination. That morning, Brand gave him some advice.

"Now, we will arrive in just a few hours, so be ready. This is a sensitive matter, and the northerners defer to seniority, so do not interrupt their elders as they speak. If you do not wish to say anything, that is fine, you are here to observe and I will happily accept whatever approach you wish to take," Brand spoke in a serious tone, if not almost harsh. Yet Lucas preferred it that way, he knew nothing of their culture or diplomacy, nor how to handle the northerners in particular. He then nodded his head in understanding, and Brand looked back onto the road. Now with a more serious expression, though still with a grin.

An hour passed and the trees slowly turned to stumps and cleared out land, and the muddy road was now well paved. Then a grand village appeared. With wooden and stone huts, and organic organization that only vaguely reminded Lucas of the sprawl of Comet's Landing that he could see from afar. Surrounding it was a wall of stone and wooden supports, framed by a gate. In the distance was something more familiar, it almost reminded him of the academy, but also of the stories he heard of grand forts and palaces. Almost above the horizon was an imposing keep that had walls taller than two men around it. Gold and crimson didn't dominate it like the church or the grand academy but its colors of black and gray stone still looked grand.

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