News On Our No. 6

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Percy was returning from Vicarstown. He hadn't heard about the zombie outbreak, until it was too late. He was just puffing under a bridge, when a platoon of zombies attacked.

The zombies killed Percy's crew. Another zombie uncoupled Percy from the goods train. That same zombie climbed into Percy's cab and drove him away down the line. Percy sped down the line crying for help, until he crashed through an old warehouse.

The zombie applied Percy's brakes. Percy stopped. He was in a dark room. A see-through glass cylinder, full of a green liquid was next to the poor green engine. A zombie in a lab coat picked up a syringe with the liquid and injected it into Percy's boiler.

Percy was then moved out of the warehouse and put back on the rails. But he didn't look like himself anymore. His skin was green, his eyes were yellow and his mouth was hanging open. Gone was the Percy we knew and loved. Now he was Percy the Zombie Engine.

Suddenly, Percy heard a whistle from afar. A red 2MT raced past. Percy whistled and chased after Arthur. Arthur heard Percy making zombie noises and raced as fast as he could to get away from the zombified green engine. Suddenly, Arthur crashed into a goods train ahead. Percy puffed towards the poor engine and did the scariest things. Two large red tendrils came out of his mouth and grabbed Arthur. Arthur screamed as Percy ripped him apart and devoured him.

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