The Final Act

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When we arrived at the warehouse, I did something I wouldn't do, but I had to for the safety of others. I found two bottles of gas outside the warehouse and put them inside. I then took a matchbox out of my pocket, lit a match and dropped it. The warehouse was ablaze. Toby was shocked.

"Matt, why did you have to do that?" Toby asked.

"Sorry, Toby." I said. "I had to do what I could to save the island."

The fire brigade arrived and were able to put the fire out. The police also came and took me in for arson. When I was put on trial, I told the judge my reasonings for doing what I did, and the entire story which I wrote down in this journal. After hearing it, the judge decided to drop all charges for my brave act, however I was let off with a warning.

When we returned, the engines were delighted for my heroism, and more delighted that Percy was okay. The Fat Controller cheered and congratulated me and Toby. Toby was given a new coat of paint as a reward for his bravery.

A few new engines had to be brought in to replace the friends we lost. Ryan came to replace Fergus, Hiro came to replace Neville, Rebecca came to replace James, Nia came to replace Arthur, Charlie came to replace Billy and etc.

Oh, and if you're wondering where Emily was, she was away on the mainland. The other engines were glad she was back and told her the entire story. While she was sad that some of her old friends were gone, she was glad that the rest of us were okay.

Murdoch was found derailed near Suddery Junction. The rescue team were able to find him and he was repaired. It's a bloody miracle he survived.

Percy and Sir Handel are undergoing therapy to help them recover from their trauma during the terrible time. Toby is also seeing a therapist and seems to be doing fine.

A memorial was built near Tidmouth station. Every time Toby or Percy pass it, they always give a moment of silence.

Anyways, that just about concludes my story. This is Matt Fuller, driver of Toby the Tram Engine, over and out. 

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