A Golden Grom Night

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This is literally my first oneshot ever, and I'm pretty damn excited

It was Grom night, and everyone was having a fun time with their dates. That is, except for Edric, who didn't have a date to go with. Despite not having a date he still came wearing a grey suit, with a yellow uniform shirt on the inside with an orange bowtie. He regretted this decision, feeling like a fool.

Edric hadn't dated anyone or liked anyone for months now, last time he got stood up by his date, and pretty much since then he's been a single pringle. It has been lonely and at times he wished he had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Sighing, he sat in the corner of the gym, hugging his knees to his chest, submerging himself in his own thoughts while watching everyone else have a good time.
"This is stupid." He said to himself.
"Well, that's a shame." Said a voice above him, interrupting his thoughts. Edric immediately looked up, and saw that it was another male. He was wearing a dark auburn uniform shirt, with a black vest over it along with matching black pants. And, he was wearing a golden mask. Upon realizing that that was the Golden Guard, he recoiled in surprise.
"W-wait, you're the G-Golden Guard!"
"Chill," the guard said, chuckling, "I'm not gonna take you away or anything." Edric returned to his normal stance and went back to hugging his knees again.
"Well then, what are you doing here?" the greenette asked.
"Eh, Principle Bump asked me to go on 'patrol' here so nothing stupid happens to the others." the guard shrugged.
"So what are you doing here all alone? Shouldn't you be dancing and having fun? Where's your date?" he asked.
"I...don't have a date." Edric said, sighing while looking down.
"That's unfortunate." the guard said, looking around to see if anyone was watching before removing his mask and sitting next to him. "Someone so cute and handsome like you? That's quite surprising."
Edric's face heated up, blushing upon hearing that. And it wasn't just because of what the guard said, it was also how he looked.
He had naturally slicked back hair with a curl in front, that was the color of dirty blonde, and a darker undercut. He had a scar on his cheek, piercing magenta eyes, an absolutely adorable tooth gap, and tired eye bags that Edric thought were cute. The guard noticed that Edric was staring and said flirtatiously, "Like what you see?" with a seductive smile. The greenette's face heated up even more, matching the color of a pastel apple as he covered it with his hands in embarrassment and fluster.
After calming down from his gay panic, Edric spoke again. "Okay I feel like we should introduce ourselves. I'm Edric, Edric Blight."
Holy shit why and how the fuck is he so cute  oh my god oh my god oh my god , Edric was thinking, as he locked eyes with the blondie, going through gay panic once again. The guard noticed this and giggled, to Edric hearing him giggle was like heaven to his ears.
"Care for a dance, Edric?" He asked, holding out his hand, while giving that same hot looking smile, which made Edric go into even more gay panic. Being too flustered to speak, he only nodded his head shyly as he took the guard's hand, and left the gym, going outside.

The two boys walked out onto the field, their hands intertwined. Edric noticed this and he felt his heartbeat accelerate, trying to remain calm.
The guard settled his hand on Edric's waist and held his other hand, pulling him close. The greenette's breath hitched as he turned a darker shade of red, being in his embrace, and settled his hand on the guard's shoulder. The two danced under moonlight, swaying along with the flow of the wind, their movements in sync. They danced there for a short while, enjoying each other's presence and the comfortable silence. As they continued dancing, Edric's free hand reached over to the guard's hair and started playing with it.
"You have really soft hair." Edric said in a sweet and tranquil voice, smiling affectionately at the blondie, poking his chest playfully. This made the guard fluster up, his cheeks and ears flushing up into the color of the petals on the grom tree.
"It's only been a few minutes since we met but I'm already really fond of you, pretty boy." said the blondie, moving his face closer to the greenette's causing their noses to touch, "and I'm really glad I got to have this night with you."
At this point, both of the boys were flustered and going through some level of gay panic as Edric wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck and the blonde's hand gently wrapped around the greenette's waist.
Edric's breath hitched again, enjoying the feeling of the guard's hands on his waist, his heart rate speeding up as he gazed into his glistening magenta eyes. Before he could think straight again, the guard had tilted his head and leaned in further, their lips touching. The guard was kissing him.
Oh my freaking titan the guard was kissing me holy shit! More thoughts circled his head, but he pushed them away as he wanted to enjoy this golden moment. He kissed the guard back, slowly and passionately, enjoying every bit of it. Both boys stayed like that for a while, sweetly kissing each other, only stopping to take breaths and to admire each other's adorable faces. It was nothing heated or sexual, just deep and passionate as they both enjoyed the feeling of each other's lips. Neither of them cared that they had just met, it was grom night, the night where you could let loose and have fun.
The boys eventually pulled apart from the kiss, both lightly panting. Edric buried his head into the guard's shoulder as they continued dancing.
The guard suddenly put his mouth close up to Edric's ear and spoke in a low and gentle tone causing the greenette to shiver.
"Hunter."  He said, "my name is Hunter."
"Nice to meet you, Hunter." Edric said back, lifting his head up from Hunter's shoulder and going back to admiring his magenta eyes.
As much as they both wanted to keep dancing, grom eventually came to an end and the boys had to part ways. Before leaving, Hunter slipped his hand down to Edric's thigh and placed a small card into his hand, causing the greenette to squeak.
Chuckling, Hunter said, "This was a lovely night. Call me later." He kissed Edric sweetly on the forehead before walking away into the distance.

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