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It's been a month since Hunter and Edric met and became friends. Time has bought them closer day by day, and in a matter of one week, they were pretty dang close. They almost always snuck out at night to hang with each other, as that was the only time they really got to spend quality time with one other.

Sometimes they would go out flying on their staffs across the glistening night sky together, while they enjoyed the view of the Boiling Isles below them, soaring through the clouds and laughing with each other. Sometimes they would go on hikes in the woods, sometimes they would walk around Bonesborough, occasionally visiting the Night Market. On the weekends, they would hang out at the carnival, having the fun of their lives, getting high off candy with each other.

Or maybe they would just sit on the grassy hill, watching the sunset and gazing at the shining stars while holding hands. They had an unbreakable bond, a special friendship that neither of them had ever had with anyone else before. 

But was neither of them really realized was that maybe their friendly admiration for each other was more than just as friends. Maybe they like each other. Like each other as more than friends. Increased heart rate, flustered faces, and the acts of gentle affection on each other. Flirty jokes, and the constant urge to be with one other. It was quite obvious. 

Edric was the first to realize his feelings for the blondie. It happened on one random day, when Edric and Emira were lounging in the living room, bored out of their minds. Well Emira was, while Edric was talking about Hunter. 

"He's the best friend I've ever had ever..he never fails to make me happy, he's so charming, friendly, and attractive. The feels of his hands warm my heart, and he's strong. He's so genuine, has such a cute face, and an adorable tooth gap, his hair is so fun to play with...I bet he's good a cuddling.." 

"Edric, you simp." Emira said in a you-oblivious-nugget tone. 
"Huh, what?" Edric said, snapping out of his dreamy state. 

"Isn't it so obvious? You're in love with that boy! You should totally ask him out." 
Edric processed Emira's words, and thought about it long and hard. And then the oblivious nut finally realized. He had a crush on Hunter. He fucking liked him, like a lot. Edric's face turned slightly pink.

"See? Told you." said Emira. "Now the next step is confessing to him. Ask him on a date!" 

"But..but what if he-" but Edric was cut off by his sister.
"No buts, no what ifs. Just go for it! You know you can't wait forever and now is a good chance! You'll never know if you don't try. Is he single?"
"Well, yes-"
"Perfect! So tonight you get to confess."

Hunter heard the familiar tapping on his window, and his perked almost immediately. He got up out of his bed and grabbing his staff, he walked over to his window and opened it, getting a warm greeting from the greenette. 
"Hey Goldie!" He said cheerfully, pulling Hunter in for a warm hug. Hunter instantly hugged back, enjoying each other's warmth for the several seconds the hug lasted. After pulling apart, Hunter climbed out of his window and left it ajar, hopping onto his staff next to Edric. The two boys flew away to the usual hilltop they hung out at. Except this time, Edric had a little surprise for him. 

By the time they got to the hilltop, the sun was already setting, and stars were starting to shine in the sky. The two boys sat next to each other, pretty closely while admiring the sunset, which reciprocated the colors of the lesbian flag. (I felt the urge to add that)
There were a few minutes of comfortable silence, and Edric slid his hand onto Hunter's, intertwining fingers. 
Hunter, although having held Edric's hand quite a few times already, blushed at this and felt like he was going to die of cuteness. 
The silence was broken when Edric began to speak.

"Hunter..." he started, "I.. have something I want to tell you." 
Hunter, hearing this, started getting a little nervous, as he waited for what he was about to hear. Edric pulled out a small bunch of colorful flowers from his pocket, and lightly tucked them onto Hunter's ear before speaking again, in a very genuine tone.
"I wanted to confess my feelings for you. I've had a massive crush on you for about a week now, and I was dumb enough to only realize today. You make me happy, really and you give me weird feelings. And, I want us to be more than friends, but only if you're comfortable.
So Hunter, would you like to go out with me?" 

Hunter was quite surprised upon hearing this. He was surprised because he had also liked Edric for quite a while, but he never thought the greenette would reciprocate those feelings. 

"Edric...I feel the same way. I've liked you for a while but it took me longer to realize those feelings than it should've. But upon hearing that you like me the same way, I couldn't have been happier. I really like you too Edric, and I'd love to go on a date with you."

Both boys' faces were a light shade of pink, both of them so happy on this night that they liked each other the same way, and were now together. 
The two boys leaned in as if from pure instinct, as Hunter wrapped his arms around Edric's waist and Edric cupped the blonde's cheeks lightly, before tilting his head and closing the gap between them. They kissed, under the setting sun, under the glimmering constellations. Neither of them were battling for dominance, both were gentle as a rose petal with one other, kissing each other sweetly. 

They pulled apart, intertwining their hands again.
"So...does this mean we're official, like boyfriend and boyfriend?" Edric asked.
"Yes, you cute idiot." Hunter said, pulling Edric in for a big hug, lightly tackling him onto the soft grass. Edric returned the hug, hugging him around his waist. 
The two laid down on the grass, in a cuddling position as Hunter nuzzled his head into Edric's chest. They shared another moment of comfortable silence.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Goldie."

Mostly Goldric OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now