Lumity? Idk

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I felt like writing some lumity 

This was it, the day everyone had been dreading. No one wanted to believe it was true, as they dilly dallied and went about their life, as if nothing was going to happen. But now, a couple years after the announcement, it was really happening and panic rose upon the city within minutes. The busy intersections downtown were even busier, as people were panicking, running about. But why run around like that, when it's pointless? We're all going to die anyways.

The world was ending. 

Amity sat on the big empty field located right on the outskirts of the city. She looked up at the sky, observing the large gray rocky asteroid spinning in the sky and falling closer to Earth. She took a deep breath in, trying to relish the last moments of her life before impact took place.  She tried her best to relax, blocking out the deadly screams of the citizens in the city. Some people managed to find shelter underground, but many weren't so lucky. And Amity? Well, she decided to not seek shelter. She knew this moment would come and she spent those last moments with her family and friends, but now she had lost them in the crowd in the final scene and walked off alone. She didn't see much of a point in trying to live anymore anyways.

The winds became more violent, blowing on Amity's face harshly messing up her soft purple hair. Her heart swelled with fear inside, but she had embraced the fact that this world was going to die and was overcome with a feeling of acceptance. 

"Well, I guess I'm not the only one out here alone." A voice behind her said.
Amity snapped out of her thoughts, turning around quickly. Standing behind her was a petite girl with smooth looking tan skin, fluffy and short brown hair topped with a beanie adorned with cute hair clips, amber doe eyes with perfect looking long lashes, and lips that looked soft. She was cute looking, not gonna lie, especially with the denim overalls, rainbow striped shirt, and white converse she was wearing. 
"Hi, I'm Luz, it's, uh, nice to meet you!" The girl said, holding out her hand
Amity stood up, smoothed out her skirt and shook her hand. 
"Amity, nice meeting you too." 

Luz shifted closer to Amity, as the two looked up at the sky together, looking at the asteroid that had now headed down in flames and started to pick up pace. 
"I know this may not be the greatest to have a conversation like this, and I'm sure there's a lot of other people you'd rather be with, I wish I could be with my family at this moment but they're already up in the clouds." Luz said, pointing at the sky. "But it's really nice meeting you and I'm glad I won't have to face this moment alone." She flashed a smile. 

Amity didn't know if it was the nerves she was feeling of the awaited death, or the absolutely adorable human being in front of her, but she swore her heart was beating faster. She was interrupted when Luz spoke up again. "This'll probably sound weird, but can I hold your hand?"
"Of course."

The two stood close together on the large empty field, their fingers intertwined as the winds became more violent and blew more harshly. The atmosphere was heating up, as the end came nearer.

"I'm scared, Amity." Luz said, her voice cracking a bit. "I just..I just can't fully process the fact that this is it for us, that all of us are dead after this."
Amity turned around to face Luz, and pulled her into a warm hug. 
"I know it's scary, but you aren't alone in this. Everything will be alright, who knows, maybe we'll see each other in the afterlife!" Amity felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes, but she held them back. 
The two stood like that for a moment, enjoying each other's presence while they could. 

"Do you think it'll hurt?" Luz finally asked.

"I promise it won't, it'll only be for a second."

And that was the last sentence Luz ever heard. 

Everything was wiped out and destroyed within seconds, engulfed in ash and flames and the toxic gases. Everywhere across the city were the bodies of the dead citizens there, gruesome and bloody, their faces contorted with panic and fear. 

But somewhere outside of the city, lay the dead bodies of two young girls, covered in blood and ash, their fingers intertwined. 

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