Part 9: judgement day

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUNA!" I heard my family say

It was finally here, my fifth birthday. I would celebrate with my family today and then tomorrow was the ceremony to determine my magic element.

I wasn't too worried about it and instead just wanted to spend the night with my family.

We enjoyed a cake together and then it came time for the gifts.

First was fathers gift, a dress, I could hear some maids talking about the quality of it but I just liked the colors. Second was surprising but Rachel insisted on giving me something herself.

"I umm... I made it myself. I hope you like it Yuna" Rachel said nervously handing me a box.

Opening it up I saw a little Wooden horse. Rachel had learned how to control her fire magic after a while and decided to take to carving with it as a bit of a hobby. She was still shy and awkward at times but she was growing more comfortable interacting with others. It made me proud as her little sister.

"Alright my turn!" Richard yelled excited, probably just to show off. His wasn't wrapped at all instead just handing me... a metal bowl? Oh wait it's a shield.

"Pretty cool right." He said, he was so proud of himself but I decided to be nice.

"Yes Richard, thank you." I said accepting the gift ready to move on but he continued talking for a bit.

"I'm not exactly sure what kids your age like but I figured this could help keep you safe so I went for one that looked cool but was also practical." He finished

Huh... that's kinda sweet actually.

Kaede stood up and walked over to me but I noticed she wasn't carrying anything.

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow for my gift but I already checked with Arietta. Don't worry, you'll love it... but I suppose while we wait you can have this." She handed me a faintly glowing rock.

I knew it had some sort of magic but I wasn't sure what exactly.

"It's a cure stone. Think of it like a mini first aid kit. Use it in an emergency." She said before walking off to go attend to some matters.

Arietta said nothing. She had a sad look in her eyes. Simply walking up to me she embraced me in a tight hug. I returned it but noticed a bit of dampness on my shoulder. "I love you" she whispered in a sad voice.

I was about to ask her what was wrong but she simply gave me a small book before heading off.

After a few more words the party came to an end. I got my bath and prepared for bed. I walked into my room to find Cheryl sitting on a chair right by my bed.

"Happy birthday my lady." She said giving off her usual gentle and motherly smile.

She handed me a small doll with a bow wrapped around it. I'd seen something like this when we went shopping.

"Th-thank you very much!" I exclaimed happily giving her tight hug.

"You're very welcome. Now shall I read you a bedtime story?" She said as I was being tucked in.

"Hmmm can you read the story Ari got for me?" I handed her the small book

She flipped through the pages real quick before gently smiling.

"Alright dear. This is the story of the dark queen and her little Angel."


"Well this is a surprise. Yuna Regius Galeria's element: pure energy." The old man announced to everyone in the cathedral.

I could hear the crowd murmur, mostly parents of other children in attendance.
"Pure energy? I've never heard of that element."
"It's been recorded but it's quite rare with the only documented case being Queen Esmerelda over 200 years ago."
"Well the late Duchess was Queen Esmereldas descendant. I guess it makes sense."

*clap* the muttering stopped when Father began clapping, soon enough the others followed with their applause and congratulations. I guess that this was a good thing.

Arietta ran up on the stage embracing me in a bear hug.

"Thank goodness... oh thank goodness."

Arietta and Kaede were walking me through the sacred halls. It was tradition for the mother to Accompany their daughters through here at the end of the ceremony but Arietta filled in the role as she was the oldest living female in the family.

Kaede was there because she was able to pull some strings herself.

"So Yuna, what'd you think of the gift." Kaede said in a somewhat smug voice.

"Wait what gift!" Arietta exclaimed just as surprised and confused as I was.

"The sigil. It gave you the pure energy element."

"Wait but Sigils are extremely expensive. Even a dukedom could only afford 2 or 3 with all their assets sold."

"Ah but you forget Ari. This is still a game world that follows rules. I completed the 3 main routes and got the sigil to go after to two secret capture targets as a NG+ sort of gift. Well starting this life off I had one in my inventory."

They were talking about the Otome game again huh.

"But... why would you use it on Yuna. I mean I'm grateful but... doesn't that just hurt you in the long run?" Arietta sounded genuinely concerned for Kaede

"Oh Ari my dear I know you've played the game to."

"Yeah but I never got to finish it or do the secret routes."

"Oh... well let me explain. In the secret routes we find out Arietta, the game character, only became the villainess after losing someone a few months prior... today to be exact. After piecing things together I realized Yuna wasn't in the game because today is the day she would be killed for dark magic. So I simply did a bit of rewriting the plot and changed her magic element to neutral. Bada bing bada boom we've now stopped the main plot points and can enjoy our lives. Oh and even though you're one of the secret romance options I don't swing that way, sorry." She remarked at the end.

I could see a look of both shock and embarrassment on Arietta's face "w-w-wait? The villainess was a romance option?"

And that's the chapter hope you enjoyed the next chapter should be up shortly.

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