Final chapter: the game begins

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After the ceremony concluded and I learned I lived past a point in my life where I was supposed to die. Whether or not I actually had dark magic originally I couldn't say but now I was able to use magic of pure energy. It was weird and formless but I didn't mind, I finally had magic and that was enough for me.

The seasons changed as time flew by. Then the day arrived. The day the Otome game would officially begin... but for me it meant the day I would have to say goodbye to my big sister as well as Kaede and Richard.

The carriage ride was a quiet one mainly because I rode with Rachel and Father while Arietta had to ride with Richard and Kaede

Then the time came. We arrived at the academy.

Father got out and helped both Rachel and Myself out of our carriage. Then we looked to see the other carriage pull up.

Out stepped Richard who proceeded to help both Arietta and Kaede down from the carriage.

"Well here we are. Welcome to the academy." Richard said doing a showy pose

"Oh please you're just here to spar with other swordsmen." Arietta snarkily remarked.

I couldn't help but laugh at the scene. It was nice seeing everyone finally getting along like one bit, somewhat dysfunctional family.

But the time had come to say our goodbyes. They were short but to the point.

"Well don't worry kids... your big bro will be back in no time as the strongest knight in the land." He said pulling Rachel and myself into a quick hug.

Kaede was up next. She whispered some things to Rachel I couldn't hear but judging by her facial expression it seemed to be words of encouragement. Then she came to face me.

"Hey Kaede... thanks for everything. And uhhh... please get along with Ari." I requested concerned things would turn out like the game.

She extended a hand to Pat my head and ruffle my hair a bit.

"Don't worry dear I'll play nice. And hey you've got your whole life ahead of you now so enjoy it. Make the most of every moment." She said before turning away and heading off to the gates.

But I saw her stop next to Arietta and I could see what looked like her mouthing the words "your turn" before continuing onward.

I saw my sister approach her her long brown hair shining in the light as if guiding someone's eyes to her face and her smile.

"Well Yuna. It's about time for me to go so take care of yourself... Ah to heck with it." She dropped the formal speech pulling me into a great big hug which I was more than happy to return.

Then she placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Remember to always take care of yourself, brush your teeth, and don't give Cheryl a hard time ok." She said sounding like a worried mother... though I guess that wouldn't be too far off the mark.

"Ok Sis. I love you." I replied

"I love you too Yuna." She said before finally standing up and waving goodbye.

The three of them all turned around to walk inside to the academy.

"Do you think everything will be ok" I heard Rachel ask me.

I just turned to her and smiled.

"Yeah... I think everything will be just fine... there will be some challenges but we'll make it."

And that's the story. To be honest I was considering just leaving the story discontinued because I didn't have much of an idea where to take things but ultimately I decided it'd be better to wrap things up. Actually I debated leaving the story up for adoption as well but hey if you want to do your own rewrite go right ahead.

Hopefully I plan to focus more on star witch and princess farmhand going forward but I do have a weird idea I want to try making into a sort of story.

Thank you for reading.

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