Part 4

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Author's note: As I've told you before, this was originally intended to be a long one shot, but I decided to divide it and make it a whole new short story. So there are not many chapters left. Like 2 or 3.

And I really hope you are enjoying it!

They say that the most common complaint among married couples is lack of communication. Two months into this new journey, and it felt like they had already consumed their marriage.

Of course, the feelings were still as strong as ever, but even though they slept in the same bed every night, it felt like they were miles away.

They would both get up for work in the morning and return in the afternoon to eat dinner together, and that would all end up with them having sex and sleeping in each other's arms until the morning.

And then repeat.

They could both feel it, the effect of their double lives they kept hidden from one another, all the secrets and lies they told daily impact their marriage, yet neither was brave enough to talk about it.

"I don't know, Ceren," Eda whined as she sipped on her morning coffee, looking through the intel on the target she and her friend were assigned with.

"What's wrong?" her friend asked curiously, pouring herself some more coffee.

"I keep having this dream," she started, lowering her gaze down, "Serkan is there, asking me to join him. And I walk towards him, but no matter how hard I try, I can't reach him. Something is pulling me back."

"What is pulling you back?" the blonde woman asked.

"I turn my head around to see it, and I see me. I am pulling me back," Eda explained, a hint of sadness in her eyes, "All the secrets I keep from him, and the small lies that I tell daily. And I think he feels it too. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, we have fallen into this new routine, every day is the same."

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" Ceren suggested, and Eda shook her head in denial.

"I am the reason we are this way. If I told him who I really am, he would leave me in the blink of an eye. And if I continue this way, the secret I keep from him is going to break us apart."

"I warned you this was going to happen," Ceren pointed out, "the reason why Kan and I work is because we don't keep secrets from each other."

"I know our worlds are different, but I just can't do without him. And most importantly, I feel like I'm destroying everything," Eda opened up, and her friend hugged her tightly, comforting her.

Truth was, Eda knew this was going to happen, but her heart decided to silence the judgment's voice inside her and let herself be happy for once.

She remembered briefly the time she tried to break up with him, and the thought of it made her whole body shiver.

It was when things had started to get serious between them, and she feared that type of connection.

"I know something is holding you back," Serkan started confidently, and she shook her head off in denial. Though she kept denying that, it was crystal clear to him that her eyes told a different story.

She took a deep breath, ready to spat out another lie that would break her heart more than his.

"I don't love you!"

Truth was, she had fallen in love with him madly, and for that sole reason, she tried to let him go; and in doing so, ended up putting both of them in an endless world of misery.

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