Part 5

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Author's note: Are you guys ready for some action? I hope you enjoy this chapter because it was not an easy one to write. The next chapter will be the last, so I will take my time writing it. As always, thank you for the votes, comments and your support in general.

The first rays of the morning sun made Eda stir in her sleep, her eyes slowly fluttering open before closing again.

She reached her hand to the other side of the bed and noticed that Serkan wasn't there so she reached for his pillow, hugging it tightly.

Unlike him, she was not a morning person and she groaned in annoyance when her alarm went off. She slowly got up and noticed a note on top of Serkan's drawer.

"Work came up and had to leave early. Breakfast is ready downstairs, love you"

She loved how Serkan gave attention to the little things, and the note he had left for her put a smile on her face.

Maybe their marriage was not a lost cause after all!

She headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Today was going to be a long day of work, so she started to get ready, changing her pyjamas and putting some light makeup on.

She was assigned a case with Efe, her work colleague with whom she had had a rocky relationship since she started working at the firm.

They would walk right into Istanbul's Police Department, disguised as Interpol operatives to kidnap an important arms dealer who was required to be taken to the headquarters alive.

"We need to be extra careful," Efe reminded paranoidly as he geared up, putting the Interpol uniform on as well as the badge.

"Relax, Efe. It's not my first time undercover," Eda assured and he rolled his eyes, "and get your shit together or you're going to get us both killed. I can see sweat drip from your forehead from a mile away."

They got out of the van, and with the help of the fake badges that Kan had made for them, they made it past security without a problem.

"We thank you for your help. We have been trying to catch him for a long time," Eda stated confidently, her voice firm as she shook her hand with the sheriff. 

"We are glad we could help!" the sheriff concluded, and Eda turned around, placing a firm grip on her target's hand as they made their way outside the building.

"Fast," Eda whispered while Efe opened the van's backdoor to put their target in, but before she could fathom, two gunshots were heard from behind her and the body next to her dropped dead on the ground.

Her brain registered the risk almost immediately and she reacted, dragging an injured Efe inside the van and starting the car.

"Efe!! EFE STAY WITH ME!" Eda urged as she pressed on the gas harder, trying to drive as fast as she could.

Their cover was blown, and she had some I.P.D cars following her.

"I'm not going to make it," Efe choked, pressing his hand on his abdomen where the bullet had penetrated.

"Yes you are!" Eda shrieked as she dodged the last police car, making it crash with a column, "we are five minutes away!"

"I've lost a lot of blood," Efe pointed out, his voice coming out weaker than he intended, "it's okay."

"Don't use your strength. We are almost there!" Eda urged, but this time she got no answer back.

He was dead the moment she stepped into the warehouse where a medical team was already waiting for them, but to no use.

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