the 1st chapter

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Takemichi and Kisaki were family 'friends' and neighbors, therefore, they grew up together they but hated each other's guts. They could never get along no matter what the situation was. Not in school, nor at home, not anywhere.

This brings us to their daily highschool life. So obviously Takemichi and Kisaki share almost every class together. And one of those classes is their 1st period, gym. Takemichi and Kisaki both loved gym because they could hit each other without getting in to much trouble.


Takemichi was walking to gym class with Makoto and Yamagishi. Just as they were about to enter the gym Takemichi got shoved out of the way.

"Get out of the way." Kisaki said rolling his eyes as he walked into the gym.

"I'm going to kill him." Takemichi said as he started walking into the gym. Before he could enter Makoto pulled his arm.

"Dude you can't right now, but I overheard the gym teach talking about playing dodgeball." He said. Takemichi's angered expression turned sinister for he had a plan to get back at Kisaki. The three went inside and sat down and talked while they waited for the teacher.


"Alright everyone! Get up and get into two groups! We're playing dodgeball!" The gym teacher said as she walked into the gym.

"Well look at that, awesome job dude!" Takemichi smirked and playfully punched Makoto.

Everyone then formed two groups, obviously with Takemichi and Kisaki on opposing teams. As the teacher was lining the balls up in the middle of the floor Takemichi and Kisaki were both glaring at eachother and everyone else knew that they don't even matter to the two at this moment. They stopped glaring and grined when the teacher blew her whistle signaling that the game has started.


The two teams ran out to grab the balls and started the game. As Takemichi grabbed a ball he was almost hit by Kisaki but luckily he dodged.

Kisaki frowned and glared and turned to look for another ball when one almost hit his face, he dodged by a hair and looked at Takemichi giving him a sweet smile and waving.

Kisaki's brows furrowed and get grabbed a ball from another player and chucked it right back at Takemichi. Instead of him the ball hit Yamagishi right in the forehead. He fell and Makoto drug him off the court.

Takemichi was mad that Kisaki had hit his friend so he had a horrible idea, he aimed right for Kisaki kids and threw the ball with all of his strength.


Unfortunatly the ball hadn't hit where he wanted to cause the most pain but he was happy with what he got. The ball hit him in his abdomen and he dropped to the floor and blacked out.

The teacher stopped the game as it was becoming a bit dangerous. "Alright thats enough! Hanagaki that was uncalled for!" The teacher yelled.

"Oops?" Takemichi replied in a questioned tone.

"Take him to the nurse." The teacher said.

"What?" Takemichi aid bewildered.

"I said, take Kisaki to the nurse." She replied. Takemichi rolled his eyes and put Kisaki on his back and walked out of the gym.


As soon as he was out of the teachers sight he dropped the unconscious Kisaki on the ground. He picked up his forearm and started dragging him toward the main building.

When he got to the nurse Makoto and Yamagishi were already there.

"Dude, did you drag his all the way here?!" Makoto asked while laughing.

"Duh! How's Yamagishi?" He replied while throwing Kisaki on a bed.

"He's just unconscious from the hard hit but it's not a concussion or anything serious." Makoto informed.

"Well that's good, anyways let's go to our next class, I brought our bags." Takemichi suggested.

Makoto nodded as a reply and walked put of the office with Takemichi while the nurse just sat there bewildered on what just happened and started to tend to Kisaki.

"Stupid kids." She said annoyed.




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