the 3rd chapter

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When the boys entered the the Hanagaki house they were greeted by Kisaki's angry mother. The boys just stood there while Hikari walked over to the other mother and sat down. Kisaki's mother, Tamara, then demanded, "Tell us what happened."

"He almost castrated me!" Kisaki's shouted instantly.

"You're just being over dramatic." Takemichi scoffed rolling his eyes.

Kisaki's was about to lengthen the argument when he was interrupted, "God!" Tamara said in a loud, angry voice.

She then walked over to Hikari and went into the kitchen.

The two troublemakers shut their mouths while their mothers were discussing something they couldn't hear.


They walked back, sat in front of the boy's, and said bluntly, "The two of you will be housing together."

The boys had a blank expression on their face, that twisted into a look as if they had been hit by a truck.

"No way in hell!" They both protested angrily.

"You both don't have any decision in this matter." Hikari said in a stern voice.

"You will live together, under the same roof, by yourselves, until the two of you can start acting your age." Tamara scolded.

"You will do so until you are able to go back to school without causing any problems." Hikari added.

"But that's impossible!" Kisaki's shouted.

"Then make it possible." Tamara said with a glare while getting up.

"Let's go." She added while dragging Kisaki's out of the Hanagaki house.

After they left, Hikari sent Takemichi to his room. Takemichi did so while sighing at the thought of living with Kisaki.

When Kisaki got back to his house he was told, "Go to your room and start packing. It won't be long until we can get a place for the two of you."

Kisaki stayed quiet as he went to his room. He complained to himself for a while and reluctantly started packing, whilst still complaining.

After packing almost all of their belongings the boys fell asleep.


"Get up Tetta!" Tamara yelled dragging Kisaki and his luggage downstairs.

"It's the ass crack of fucking dawn!" Kisaki yelled half asleep.

That comment earned him a smack on the back of his head.

"Ough!" He grunted while now getting dragged out of his house and into the car.

"Now keep quiet until we get there." Tamara said.

"Whatever." Kisaki mumbled quietly while rubbing his head.


After an hour and a half Kisaki and his mother arrived at thier destintion.

"Tetta, wake up, were here." Tamara said while getting out of the car.

Kisaki got out of the car rubbing his blinking his eyes.

When he was fully awake he saw he saw his mom and Hikari talking while Takemichi was sitting on the ground, looking very annoyed, and yawning.

Kisaki was dragging his feet while groaning and walking towards his mom.

"Nice, you're finally here, lets go." Tamara said walking towards the new house with Hikari and Takemichi.

Kisaki followed unwillingly.


When they all got in the house they all sat down in the living room.

"So, lets establish some ground rules." Tamara said to the boys.

"You are allowed to leave and do things on your own, but the two of you have to spend every night in this house; and if you try stay with one of your friends I will find out and your ass will be mine and the pinishment will be way worse than this one." She threatened.

"Obviously you two will learn to get along whilst living under the same roof, and I hope I can trust the two of you to acomplish that if you want to return to your old houses." She continued.

"For meals and chores I also beleive you boys can figure that out for yourselves, I know you're smart; so please don't be stupid." Hikari said with little anger in her voice.

"Now then, I think we should let you boys unpack." She said getting up as well as Tamara.

"We will also come to check on you boys every week, don't make it frequent. Also, here are your keys." Hikari said placing the keys on the coffee table.

"Were leaving now, have fun boys." He said while walking out the door with Tamara following her yawning.


After their moms left the boys just sat there for a second in scilence. They looked at each other glared, and mentally agreed that this was the worst. Takemichi got up first, grabbed his key, found his room and slamed the door shut and started unpacking. After rolling his eyes Kisaki did the same.




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