the 4th chapter

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The first morning in their new apartment didn't go too well.

Takemichi was the first to get up.

Kisaki followed not too long after. He walked into the living room where he could see Takemichi sitting at the kitchen counter drinking coffee.

Kisaki grumbled and sat down on the couch.

The boys just sat in annoyed silence.

Then Kisaki spoke up, "Oi, Hanagaki, you know this is all because of you, right?" Kisaki said irritated.

"Don't try and blame this soley on me." Takemichi said lowly.

"This is all your fault and you know it you asshole!" Kisaki screamed.

"Whatever, think whatever you'd like." Takemichi replied tiredly.

"Don't act like you didnt have any fault in this." he continued.

"Ugh! You're impossible to talk to!" Kisaki screamed again.

"Thats on you for trying to talk to me." Takemichi said getting a little agitated.

"I wouldn't have to talk to you if we weren't stuck in this god damn house!" Kisaki said, still yelling.

"Quiet down and deal with it, its already happened." Takemichi said irked.

"No! If I have to see your ugly mug everday from now on then I have a right to complain!" Kisaki said yelling louder.


"Huh!? Now you're the one yelling at me!" Kisaki said angrily.

After the two punted insults at each other for a while one of them had enough and tackled the other.

"Get you and your fake tan away from me!"

"Get you and your pissy ass hair away from me first!"

"Ugh! Just get the hell off of me!"


In the midst of wrestling and and what seemed like an endless strew of insults, the two trouble makers didn't notice the sound of the front door being unlocked and open.

They finally quieted down when they heard two gasps and bags dropping to the floor.

The boys froze in place and turned their heads toward the door only to find their mothers.

Their mothers wore blank faces, which soon after turned into little smirks.

Both boys were panting from the wrestling match they had just been interrupted from while Kisaki was on top of Takemichi holding a fistful of his shirt.

"So were you two picking on each other because you liked each other or what?" Hikari said with a teasing smile.

"How cliché." Tamara stated still wearing her smirk.

The boys quickly scurried away from each other upon realizing their position.

"Well you two sure are being friendly with each other." Tamara said continuing her teasing.

"Ew! Like hell I'd be friendly to a freak like him!" Kisaki exclaimed with a very miniscule amount of pink in his cheeks.

"Yeah yeah, tell yourself whatever you want son." Tamara said raising her eyebrows and shrugging to her son.

"Im not telling myself anything!" Kisaki defended.

"You're telling yourself something right now, twerp." Tamara said enjoying getting on her sons nerves.

Kisaki couldn't bother bickering with his mother anymore so he stormed off to his new room.

"Now what was that all about Takemichi?" Hikari said chuckling at her friends teasing.

"Nothing really, he was just blaming me for all of this." He replied gestureing to the room they were in.

"No, I mean why was Kisaki in top of you?" His mother said with a slight smirk.

Takemichi didn't know it but his cheeks were a little pink. "That was it!" He exclaimed, "He started yelling at me for this situation and I was tired, so I told him to stop yelling, and then he tackled me and then you two came in!" He defended.

"Alright, if you say so." His mother replied.

"Ugh, what are you her for anyways?" Takemichi asked his mom.

"Well, we brought you boys your school work and some groceries for the week, thought it might be nice if you two cooked for each other." Hikari said.

"I'm not gonna cook for him!" He opposed.

"Well we bought enough for two portions for every meal." She said.

"Nuh uh, no, I can just each two portions myself." He stubbornly said.

"Whatever you want son." She said with a careless shrug. "Well, we should get out of you hair now, seeing as you've got some things to clean and put away." She continued motioning to the messy living room.

Takemichi huffed at the sight of the living room knowing that he would have to clean it alone.

"Yeah, alright." He said grabbing the grocery bags and bringing them into the kitchen.

"Good, see you later then, love you!" Hikari said to her son as she walked out the door.

"Love you mom!" He said after her.

"Hey kid, even though you hate each other, try and get along alright? After all you two are stuck in this place for a while." Tamara said to Takemichi.

"Yes ma'am." Takemichi said reluctantly and got back to cleaning.




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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