the 2nd chapter

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Takemichi and Makoto's next class is Math which was also shared with Kisaki. But Takemichi got through the class peacefully without any distractions. Now it's lunch time and they met up with Atsushi and Takuya.

Makoto was informing the other two about what happened 1st period when he was interrupted, "Wait where's Yamagishi?" Akkun asked.

"At the nurse. He's probably planning to sleep throughout the whole day so he can miss class." Takemichi joked.

Akkun scoffed while everyone else laughed. They carried on with their conversation when they all got interrupted by Kisaki pouring a drink on Takemichi's head.

"What the hell man!" Takemichi yelled.

"What, I'm just getting my revenge." Kisaki said slyly.

The two of them began yelling and shoving eachother when they caught the attention of their English teacher.

"Hey! Stop it! Break it up!" He said while separating the two.

"Come with me!" He continued dragging the two out of the cafeteria.


After being dragged out of the cafeteria they were brought to the principles office. Now they were sitting in front of the principle with the English teacher behind them.

"Boys, I don't know why you hate each other but this is unacceptable. I've already been informed about what happened in your 1st period." The principle said. The two boys sweat dropped.

"It is the first day of the week and you two have already caused a lot of trouble." She continued.

"Therefore, the two of you will be suspended for however long it takes until you can tolerate eachother." She ended with a smile.

While the boys were still processing this information there was a knock at the door.

"Excuse me? I'm here for the boys." Takemichi's mother said peeking through.

"Perfect, thank you Hikari, you can take them now, we'll send them their work until they come back." The principle said.

"Thank you, we'll be off now." Said Takemichi's mother.


"Get in the car." Hikari said with a shady smile.

Kisaki got in the back and takemichi was about to get into the passenger seat when he was told, "No, nuh uh, get in the back." Hikari said walking around the car.

"What?! No way!" He refused.

"Yes way! Don't get yourself into any more trouble." She said getting in the driver's side. Takemichi sighed and got in the back.

As he shut the door Kisaki chuckled mockingly and he rolled his eyes. When they got to the Hanagaki household Kisaki tried heading next door to his own home when he was stopped, "Tetta, your mother's in here."

Hikari said walking towards her own home. He groaned as Takemichi snickered. He proceeded to flip him off, and the gesture was reciprocated.




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