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Li Jun pointed his gun on a man's head. "I gave you six months to come up with my money. That's enough time."

The man cried, he has his knees on the ground begging for his life. "I don't have the money."

He was telling the truth, he's a failing business man who owed Li Jun a lot of money. He had given Li Jun the rest of his assets to satisfy some of his debt. "I gave you the rest of what I have."

Li Jun pressed the gun on the man's head, his finger steady on the trigger. "That's not enough."

The man knows this, they had a deal. Li Jun is a gangster and part of his many businesses is lending out money with outrageous interest.

Li Jun fired shot to the ground, it was a warning. 

The man screamed, soaking his trousers with his own piss. He begged for his life again. "Please, please, I have a young daughter, she's twelve. You can take her."

"Why would I want your daughter?!" Li Jun hissed.

"Take my daughter as collateral, use her, make her work, do what you want with her!"

Li Jun glared at the man disgusted.

"... and when I have enough money to pay for my debt, I'll buy her back from you." The man continued.

LI JUNWhere stories live. Discover now