Operation B.O.R.N

375 4 2


on to

rule the


Jamie's pov....

" Ugh....my head is killing me a little....,"

As i opened my eyes it  slightly widened to see two weird, giant things in front of me. One was holding me while the other one was blankly  staring  at me with a creepy smile on its face.

" It's a boy," some weird, deep voice said in happiness. " Wonderful! A baby boy," another weird voice said except it was more higher pitched than the one who was holding me in the air. " We'll take him to the nursery and get him fixed up just in time to meet his relatives," the little pip squeak voice said with a somewhat "cheerful" attitude. As i was being carried away i quickly became angry. It was like one second i was in a warm and dark place and NOW i'm in some stupid cold place with bright lights that hurts the CRAP out of my eyes and weird monsters carrying me from one place to another and that's not even the worst part. Just by feeling this...huge things holding  me i started to become angrier than ever, making me scream at them in response. " HEY!," i shouted in my baby voice.

" WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?!?," i shouted as i tried fighting these two giant monsters by swinging my arms and feet at them. " PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!," i shouted, bawling up my tiny fist and started to swing at the monster who was carrying me. As i swinged at it it gave me that weird look as it  held me in it's arms. " Awwe. The baby is a little fussy," it said, rocking me back and forth in it's weird noodly arms. Just by rocking me like some nut job  i was becoming heavily angry, causing me to swing at it  but this time with all my might. " PUT ME DOWN YOU CRAZY GIANT!!," i shouted, hitting it right where it hurts since the giant creature was dumb enough to put me so close to their main part of it's body. I can even hear something beat on the other side which weird because it sounds like heavy drums are beating in there. As this thing continued to carry me we entered a different place that had the same headache lights except it's a little brighter than before, making me have no choice but to close my eyes. 

 " It's a boy," that thing with that high pitched voice said as it carried me from one giant thing to another. As i was being held i seen multiple hands put something cold and slimy on my arms, legs, and stomach, causing me to shiver from the cold. " Hey what do you think you're doing?," i shouted as they lifted my legs up in the air. And just like that i felt something weird get poured on me. I didn't know what it was but it was in something that i couldn't read but i am pretty sure it  started with something that looks like a spoon. As they continued to pour....whatever that is on my bum i started to become ANGRY!

Maybe even more angrier than when i was in that warm place a second ago. Feeling rage with in me i started hitting at the monsters once again, just to make them stop torturing me. " HEY! QUIT IT!," i shouted. " GET YOUR GIANT MIT'S OFF OF ME!," i shouted at the top of my lungs as i violently kicked my legs back and forth.

As i started to scream at the monsters in anger they somehow thought it was adorable and they all gave me that....strange look again. " Awee...the little baby is throwing his very first tantrum," that high pitched weirdo said as it held it's sausage mit's at me, tickling my stomach. " Goochie goochie goo," it teased as is stroked my stomach, causing me to spit at it, making it back away from me in shock. " Wow, he is a fussy one," the other high pitched monster said, clapping her mit's together, causing me to try to poke my tongue at her. " Alright ladies," one of the other high pitched monster said. " Let's finish him up, the family is waiting," it said, causing all the monsters in white things to put something on my bum.

 " Hey...w-what's going on?," i asked, becoming both confused and angry. " get off of me," i demanded, causing them to only saw " Awwe" or " He's so cute and fussy" in response. As they continued to put weird things on me i sort of....well...oddly have gotten comfortable in this weird thing they put on me. It wasn't too tight and it wasn't too loose but it was just right. And the blue thing they wrapped me up in wasn't all that tight either but at least it's keeping me protected from the cold. And this thing they put on me head...i can't identify it but at least my head isn't all that cold anymore.

I'll stay off of their tracks....for now...but next time...i will NOT be so merciful.

After they so called " Fixed" me up they carried me towards another room and laid me inside a comfy place next beside another one like me. And since i couldn't read what the clear thing said i had no idea who that was or where he or she came from but i'm quite sure they've probably been tortured just like me. As i continued to lay in this glassy thing the sound of something opened to reveal one fat monster standing beside a smaller bald monster who didn't look all that happy to be here. As they walked in the fat thing started to talk to the smaller one.  " OI, come Nigel. Your baby brother probably can't WAIT to see you," he happily said as he chuckled in response. As soon as he talked i flinched a little hard at his loud tone. " Oh my goodness. The fat one can speak," i said as i raised my eyebrow just by looking at the two of them.  As they walked towards me the fat one's eyes widened in shock as he heard me speak. ' Oh, what's this?," he asked, looking down at me with a huge smile on his face. As we both locked eyes he looked back at the short one with no hair and back at me. " Oh look here Nigel, he's already awake," he said, picking me up, causing me to tense up a bit.

" HEY! Put me down," i demanded, voice already tired from yelling so much. After i ordered him to put me down he softly laughed in response. " OH! He's a fussy one," he said, stroking my chin which caused me  to bite him but for someone reason it had no affect on him. " Oh gee...i-i don't know dad. I never thought i'd have a baby brother before....u-until now," he said, causing me to roll my eyes in response. " Oh don't be so silly Nigel. Why don't you come over and meet your baby brother, Jamie Uno," he explained, handing me towards him. " Jamie Uno? Is that supposed to be my name or what?," i asked, unamused. " See? He's  already excited to meet you already. I can already sense brotherly love," the fat thing happily said. " B-But i-i-," " -Oh come on now Nigel. Open up a little," the fat one said as the bald  thing..er...Nigel nervously looked at me as he carried me in his noodle monster arms. 

As he looked down at me he looked up at the fat one and back at me he softly gulped in response. " Uh...r-right," he said, looking down at me." A-Are you sure about this?," he asked. " Oh stop being a nuisance Nigel. What could your little brother possibly do?," he asked as he looked down at me. As me and this " Nigel" thing locked eyes he gently gulped and water started to spill down his face. " Uh.....h-hi Jamie," he said. As he examined me  he raised his eyebrow in response. " Uh...y-you're kind of cute," he said. As he looked back at this " Dad" thing he gulped once again. " Uh...w-what do i do with him?," he nervously asked. 

" Why, you rock him of course," the " Dad" thing said as he watched our every move. In response the " Nigel" thing gulped and shook his head in understandment. " Alright," he said as he looked down at me. " Uh...*Gulp*...ok...uh-," as he looked down at me he slowly began to rock me back and forth, not making me any happier.  As he continued to rock me i started to feel something bubble up inside my stomach. " U-um...r-rockabye baby-," before he could finish i coughed up what was bubbling inside my mouth and slobbed on his shirt, causing him to squeal in a frightened tone. " Ew...PLEASE TAKE HIM!" he said, causing the " Dad" thing to slap his knee and and burst into laughter. " Ohohoho! that's a good one, son," he laughed, causing me to become a little  bit more confused about the name arrangement. Is he a Nigel or a son? Take your pick you're confusing me here man. As the " Dad" thing wiped the water from his eye it took me out of his arms and carried me while the "Nigel" or...er..." Son"  quickly wiped the slob off his....er...whatever he's wearing. " Ohohoho!," the " Dad" laughed in happiness. " I can tell he's going to do great things and make a lot of friends in the future don't you, Nigel?," he asked, looking back at him as the " Nigel" rolled his eyes. " Yeah....great is just an understatement,"  the " Nigel" said as he crossed his arms.

" Just wait till i tell your Uncle Ben hehehe....he'll be slapping his knees for sure," he happily said as he carried me in his arms. As he held me close he tickled my stomach one last time and said " Welcome to the family-"

" Son"

alright that is the first chapter of BND!

I personally have been thinking about writing this for a while and i hope to keep coming up with idea's later on.... But anyways i hope you like, comment, and i'll try my best to keep up.

see ya :)

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