Operation: J.U.I.C.E

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 Joey and Wallabee

usually are



evolation: Fresh juice

Joey's pov ( 6 months)

" Where's...my...SODA!?!?," * giggles* . I was hiding in the other part of my room, gobbling down as much fizzy juice as i wanted. Don't get me wrong i do like milk. It's the best drink any baby like me could ever ask for and it helps me sleep better when it's warm. But when i discovered the power of carbon drinks like soda and any other fizzy drink related i started to take a huge liking to it and has became my biggest power up yet. I drink soda almost every night in order to help me stay up. With grown ups that weirds stuff that starts with a C help keeps them up at night but with baby's, soda is the key to staying up late at night, milk on the other hand is a natural drink for us, but when it's warm i just tend to get sleepy and there's no point in getting sleepy when you're currently working on something. According to my calculations there are different types of juice. You got the regular juice, the fizzy juice (soda), and you have that clear juice that doesn't really taste like anything(water). Right now i am drinking a fizzy juice that starts with a letter O and ends with the letter E but it does say soda at the end of it. I might not be the smartest baby in the world but at least there's some letters that i do recognize. And then it's even better when you shake the drink as fast as you can to see how hard it'll bust. I invented that trick myself. As i continued to drink the fizzy drink i heard my angry big brother " Wallabee" screaming his little head off again. 

" Wallabee what is the meaning of all this racket so early in the morning?," mom asked on the other side of the room. As i leaned my ear towards the my secret entrance i popped open another can of soda and started to gulp down another batch. " Mom my 12 full cans of soda....it's gone," he explained. " It has to be one of those hamsters," he yelled. " And when i find them-," " OH PLEASE! Not so early Wallabee," mom said in her usual tired voice. " And besides it's too early to be drinking soda in the first place," she said. " Now run along and go and get your baby brother, i'll have his kangaroo milk ready for him in a giffy," she explained in her usual cheery voice. " But mooooooooooom-," Wallabee said, wanting to protest. " Shush, now go on, Wallabee the day care starts in 12 minutes," mom ordered, already sounding irritated.

I didn't bother paying attention to his loud footsteps that was heading towards my room, mainly because i knew  there was a higher chance that he will blame it all on the hamsters again....like always. As i continued to drink the fizzy drink i heard the door to my room open up to reveal my brother. " Stupid mom, stupid hamsters" he angrily said as she stomped towards my hideout. In scary movies people would start fearing and breathing really loudly when the killer is near. But at times like these i wasn't all that scared, in fact this is more of a playground to me. So instead of become frightened i grabbed a cold can of the same fizzy drink and shaked it violently, building as much pressure inside of it as possible.  Once his footsteps became close he kept grumbling to himself as he slowly lifted up my blanket that leads to my hideout. " -And when i find them i'll-," before he could finish his sentence i aimed the soda can towards him and popped the can open. And just like expected the soda burst out of the soda can, splashing him all over his face. Just by the way he looked i giggled uncontrollably and crawled from my hideout and towards the door. Wiping the soda from his face he angrily shouted " JOEY!," out loud at the top of his lungs. Instead of being frightened by his outburst i giggled loudly and continued to crawl downstairs in order to reach the other half of my hideout.

" UGH! WHEN I FIND YOU OUR MOM WON'T BE THERE TO SAVE YOU!," he shouted, hearing his footsteps jump from each step. Just by hearing his footsteps i laughed a little " Idiot," i evilly giggled. As i climbed inside of one of my mom's cabinet i sat in my seat and turned on my ultimate baby rattle. Now this device has been authorized to not only shoot rattles at my idiot brother but it also shakes up a good milkshake from time to time. As i typed in my password " S.O.D.A" my computer brought out my most powerful weapon...the red dodgeball.

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