Operation: C.u.t.i.e

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Tommy and Hoagie with



 Carol's ( 5 months) pov....

" Captain firecracker we're close to the moon. Do you want me to do the landing early?" my trusty teddy bear " Fuzzy" said, looking at me from his computer.  Just by sitting in my space cradle i sniffed a little and took my captain pacifier out of my mouth and rubbed it on my dark purple uniform. " land early you say?," i asked, raising my eyebrow in confusion. In response Fuzzy looked back at the computer and shook his head in agreement. " Yes ma'am," he said, looking at me. " But why would we land early if we aren't there yet?," i asked, sticking my binky in my mouth, causing Fuzzy to look back at the computer monitor.

" Because Captain firecracker. A report has just now came in and it reads that we are almost out of powder," he explained, looking at me as i furrowed my eyebrows in fury. " -And if we don't land early we will not have enough energy to get back home in time for snack," he explained, causing me to sigh in frustration." Why are you telling me this now?," i asked as i pouted with my hands on my hips.  " Sorry Captain, the monitor is a bit slow today," he said, causing me to sigh in anger. " Well isn't that just perfect?," i asked, shoving my binky back in my mouth. " I'm sorry i let you down captain," he said, causing me to look at him. " Hey don't worry about it. It's not your fault," i said, earning for him to give me a happy smile. " Thank you captain, you're the bestest friend i could ever ask for," he said as he turned back towards the computer monitor. " No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job," i said, causing me to enter a thinking position. " Hmmm... now what to do, what to do?," i said, thinking about our little situation we are in at this very moment. As i thought it through i've come to realize that we had a little bit of our spaceship powder in the back. It will take a while to get there but it won't affect my chubby little legs, after all i am always strong, brave, and  determined just like my big brother " Hoagie".

Now my big brother is a legend and a very good role model in my big baby blue eyes. He's very brave, strong, and very well determined, just the type of person i am looking forward to be in life. I remember the time where he became a detective like from the movies he likes to watch all the time. And before bed time he would always read me one of those bedtime comic books about " Detectives"  and how they solve crimes like the one where the evil Dr told the detective that he wasn't the one who put  snake toxin inside of soda bottles when it did sort of turned out to be him since...ya know..the whole "Dr" name gave most of it away. Ever since he read me those stories every night before bed i would always have dreams of becoming a detective one day and I wanted to be the best detective there ever was, and solve even the most impossible things just like what Hoagie would do. Now i gotta give credit to Tommy to. There is some day's where he is...strong, mainly when he is not arguing with mom about taking a bath all night.

Tommy is a great big brother as well but sometimes he is sort of a weirdo. I mean...not to be rude but he does a lot of....unexplainable things. Like last night while i was sleeping i woke up to the sound of him singing one of his weird made up songs off key all night AGAIN! and it was getting on my last nerves. He might say  it is for an introduction but Hoagie would say he made that up just in case he gets lost in the supermarket and when he finally makes it towards the intercom he's going to sing that annoying song over and over again until people's ears bleed and i think it's just plain weird and...not necessary. Now I gotta tell ya his voice could sometimes  be SO ANNOYING! It even gotten to the point where Hoagie told him to shut up the other night, which is another reason why he's my favorite big brother.  He is always there when i need him and he never backs down from a fight, no matter how dangerous it is. Whenever i'm down he will always be the one who is there for me to tell me my favorite  jokes, some of them being fire jokes since i'm sort of a red head. Him knowing what i like and what i like to do all together is amazing, it's almost like he can read my mind or something.....which would be pretty terrifying if he could just so you know.

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