Operation H.E.L.P

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Have you 



peacock's out of a cage  before?

No one's pov...

" Attention passengers, we are 2 minutes away from the U.S," the flight attendant alerted, waking everyone up. As the people on the plane slowly started to wake up the door that lead to where the animals used to be caged up quickly burst open to reveal 3 dogs, 7 cat's, 5 monkey, 2 snakes, and 10 peacocks. As they all spread across the planes floor Craig and Monique where the last ones out. " Go, be free my little wild friends," Monique happily said as she raised her hands happily in the air. After the animals  have spread across the plane everyone who was on the plane was fighting for their life, and their lunch since the animals were taking the snacks and beverages too.  " WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?," one of the passenger's shouted as he ducked in order for him not to be rammed upside the head by one of the flying peacocks. One of the ladies were standing on her seat, screaming at the top of her lungs as a snake was where her seat was, hissing at her. As the monkey's climbed on different parts of the passengers seats they all ducked to avoid catching anything from such wild animals.

Noticing all the animals being released Chris along with Tara Immediately woke up, hearing the screams of a thousand passengers. " What is going on?," Chris asked as he looked around the plane, only to be met with a snake crawling towards him. Just by looking at the rattlesnake on the floor Tara immediately screamed at the top of her lungs as she quickly stood up on the chair. Just by looking at all the animals who were roaming the airplane Chris was quick to notice that his babies where gone." Where's the kids?," he quickly asked, looking around the airplane to see no signs of them. Noticing what he was talking about Tara looked at their empty carseat and her eyes started to widened in panic.  " CHRIS WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!," she shouted, hands over her heart. " They could get hurt any minute," she said. This caused Chris to go into a  great panic. If they were able to get out of their carseat while they were sleeping then were they the ones...who did it? 

Knowing that his babies could be in danger and possibly hurt any second he looked back at Tara in response. " You stay here, i'll go find them," he explained. " Chris, they are my kids too," she protested. " I'll have no choice but to come with you," she explained. Knowing that he couldn't protest against his worried wife he sighed in response and looked back at Tara in agreement. " Ok, but you have to follow me," he quickly said. Since the snakes and monkey's were all over the floor they all had no choice but to pretend the floor is lava. As they climbed on anything they could find Craig and Monique was crawling around the plane, untouched by any of the animals. " So many animals," Monique happily say's. " I don't know why everyone is screaming. They are all so adorable," Monique said as she grabbed a rattlesnake and started to pet it. " I guess they just don't like animals all that much," Craig shrugged. As another peacock flew towards the flight attendant she screamed at the top of her lungs, attempting to run only to fall over on one of the suitcases face first. 

Craig and Monique continued to crawl around the place to meet the same monkey from before. The monkey seemed really grateful for what they have done for them and in return he didn't bother attacking them, instead he gave them a hand sign saying " Thank you". Since Craig and Monique couldn't really talk to adults because they don't have their teeth in yet  they knew exactly what the monkey was trying to tell them. " It was our pleasure, now go and be free my little weird talking friend," Monique said with enthusiasm. Agreeing to their terms the monkey nodded and climbed on top of where the carts where at and let out 20 more suitcases from the compartment. Before Craig and Monique could crawl any further their parent's where quick to pick them up. " Thank goodness nothing bad happened to the two of you," Tara said as she held Craig close to her. As they held their baby close the intercom was soon turned on by the flight caption.

" Everyone please try your best to remain calm," he called. " Since the animals have been released by some sort of accident we'll have to land the plane early," he explained. " You heard that, people?," one of the flight attendants called out in order to capture their attention. " The plane is going down," she explained, causing the crowd to scream even louder. "No, not like down down we are just going to be taking an emergency landing," the caption said through the intercom, not realizing that it did nothing but made the passengers scream a little louder. " It's just a quick emergency landing,"  the flight attendant said, trying to reason with everybody. As they continued to scream the caption shouted. 

" YOU'RE ALL ARE NOT GOING TO DIE YOU MORONS!!," he shouted in frustration, slamming the intercom shut. As the peacocks continued to fly around the plane lots and lots of bird droppings started to drop like rain, landing on everyone's head so it was best to either cover their heads or keep their heads down and mouths closed and eyes shut. All the dogs and cat's where having a world war 2 over some of the passengers clothes and some of them were ripping through the planes equipment and furniture . Chris and Tara both covered Craig and Moniques heads as bird droppings landed in their hair. " So gross," Tara complained as she shut her eyes tightly in disgust. " How about a little less complaining and a little more protecting," Chris said as his eyes was also squeezed shut. As the bird dropping continued to fall on everyone's heads except for Craig and Moniques the plane landed, letting every single free animal to burst the door open and immediately run away. As everyone ran out of the plane  the last ones who were to get out where Chris and Tara and they both did not look happy with bird dropping in both their hair and their clothes.

As they both carried their two little crazy heads out of the plane some of the animal control was already there to search for the lost pet's. They knew going all the way down to the U.S will take a lot of time and energy but going down to the U.S covered in bird poop is just crossing the line. Many people who were able to make it out of the plane has been complaining and arguing with the animal control on either how they pet's escaped from the plane or how much danger that hard to endure for nearly 20 minutes. As Tara and Chris walked down the road towards where the airport was supposed to be  they reached one of the coworkers who were waiting for their arrival. " Mr and Mrs Lincoln what a surprise you look...uh.....," as the coworker looked at them they still kept their angry expression until Chris cleared his throat. " Have our bags in the car in three, we're going to be at the hotel for a while," he explained." Right away sir," he bowed.


It has been 20 minutes and sitting in the car wasn't easy, especially with the driver asking so many questions like " What happened to you?" or " What is that smell?"  only to end up with " Keep driving" from Tara. It was like almost everything had to be washed and cleaned. They were only staying in a hotel so they could wash up and wear new clothes because they know for sure that Chris parent's doesn't want to smell or look at bird poop while they stay for a little while. Once they drop Craig and Monique off they will have to leave immediately so it was best they get ready by then. Once they reached the hotel they booked a temporary room for them to stay for a while so they could get cleaned up. As they laid  Craig and Monique in their strollers Craig looked at Monique with a small smirk on his face. " Hey, Monique want to explore the hotel?," he asked. " Yeah," she happily said, unbuckling her seat belt. After they both unbuckled their seat belts the crawled towards the door to only realize that it was closed. " Aw man, the doors closed," Monique said, putting her hands on her hips. " Don't worry sis, i have a plan," he said. He climbed up on the hotels bed and pulled out his mother's combs. As he pulled the comb out he headed towards the door, snapped one of the teeth off and held it towards the door. And with the help of his sister hoisting him up they were able to open the door and leave the room before their parents was able to find out.

Alright that is all for today. I hope you all like, comment, and i'll write to you guys as soon as i can

see ya :)

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