Operation: P.a.r.t.y

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Yui's pov ( 4 months)...


So....uh...how do i say this?....Well....this is my life, living with two loud, annoying  big sisters. As much as they like to aggravate me all the time i sometimes don't seem to mind...for now. Right now i am sitting at the table with a red bow that my big sister " Kuki" tied around my head at the tea table since ya know...we're having one of those " Tea" parties with " Tea party fun "and "Cookie and crumpet fun rainbow monkeys" again for the 9th time in the row.  Now as much as it would be a pleasure for them to end this madness early i just immediately shrug it off since the tea " Kuki" likes to make does taste good so i guess being tortured for under 2 minutes is worth it if it means these two dimwits will fill my bottle up every five seconds.

" OH, RED AND ORANGE, AND PINK AND BLUE! RAINBOW MONKEY'S! RAINBOW MONKEY'S WE LOVE YOUUUUUUU!," As soon as the torture was FINALLY over i sighed in annoyance, clapping my hands together  and pretending  i was happy, but to be honest with any baby i know who suffers this on a daily basis i'd tell them "if i was happy or in particular if there's anything about this song i am happy about is the fact that it's finally over for the 9th time in the row,". " YAAAY! I love that song," Mushi happily cheered as she raised her hands in the air. " I'm sure you do," i said, rolling my eyes with annoyance. " Do you like that song too Yui?," Mushi asked, petting me upside my head. " Absolutely NOT!," i said, grabbing her hand. And since they didn't understand my baby language they thought it was " Adorable" so instead of getting the gist of how stupid i think they both are they just gave me snuggles and kisses on my forehead. " Awwe, aren't you the cutest little baby?," kuki said as she rubbed her nose against mine. " It's about time we had another sister," Mushi happily said, joining the hug. As much as i tried breaking away i couldn't help but love moment's like these. Even though they can annoy me horribly  hugs and snuggles like this always will have a soft spot in my little baby heart, causing me to hug tweedle dumb and tweedle stupid back.

" Kuki, Mushi, come along you two and bring your little sister down stairs for breakfast, we wouldn't want her to have her first day of daycare with an empty stomach," mommy said, halfway opening the door to greet us. In response Kuki and Mushi looked at mom and back at me. " Ok mom," they both said at the same time, causing mom to softly chuckle. Before i could even move a muscle Kuki immediately picked me up and wrapped me tightly in her arms. " I'll carry her downstairs for you mom," she quickly called, causing Mushi to protest. " NO FAIR!," she shouted. " You always get to carry her," she angrily said. " Because i'm the oldest, you'd just drop her," Kuki said, turning me away from Mushi. " But...but...i want to hold her," she complained, trying her very best to take me out of Kuki's arms. " No, you'd just drop her," Kuki yelled back, turning every corner she could to keep Mushi from ever taking me out of her arms. " But i won't drop her," she complained, running around in circles. " You always get to carry her," she angrily said. As these two complainers continued to argue over who get's to carry me and who doesn't i sighed and laid my head on my sister's shoulders. " Aw man, not this again," i said, shaking my head slightly. " You're so bossy. You never let me carry her," Mushi angrily pointed. " That's because you're too weak," Kuki yelled back, causing Mushi to stick her tongue out at her.

" Bossy"

" Weak"


" WEAK!"

" BOSSY!!!"

"ALRIGHT YOU TWO!," mom shouted, capturing both of their attention. " If you two can not decide over who gets to carry your sister then i'll gladly carry her downstairs myself," mom said, causing the both of them to immediately apologize. " No," Kuki said. " We're sorry," Mushi said, shaking her hands in panic, causing mom to raise her eyebrow in response. " What is taking so long?," dad asked, storming upstairs. " We don't have time to stand here all day and do nothing, we have to get her to daycare right on time and it's already been five minutes," dad said with a panicky tone in his voice. In frustration mom sighed and folded her arms. " Now Kani, no need to rush. The daycare center opens in 12 minutes so we have nothing to worry about," mom said, checking her watch. In response dad sighed and rubbed his head in frustration. " so soon?," he asked. In panic he looked back at the three of us in response. " You two, we don't have enough time. We need to hurry," he said, before walking downstairs Kuki held me tighter and headed for the door, leaving Mushi to stick her tongue out at her.

While being carried downstairs dad was finishing up my bottle of milk for today. As he looked for the baby powder that used to be in the cabinet....well was supposed to be in the cabinet last night my dad started to blow another fuse. " WHERE'S THE POWDER!!!!," he shouted at the top of his lungs, disbelief that there was no more powder in the bottle. " I don't know," Kuki shrugged. " Don't look at me," Mushi said as she headed towards the cabinet grab one of those " Rainbow Munchies" for breakfast. If i knew how to talk i would answer that question but then again i'm not sure he would be happy with the fact i threw most of the powder out of the window all because i simply didn't like it. Sighing in frustration my dad rubbed his face and looked back at mom. Knowing exactly what he was about ask my mom rolled her eyes and walked towards the other side of the counter where her black purse was laid.  After mom grabbed her black purse she headed towards the open door and looked back at us. " Now dear, me and your father will be out to buy Yui more baby powder by 8:00," she explained." I trust you two to take good care of her while we're gone,"mom said,giving us a firm look. 

 Not being bothered at all by this burden mom created Kuki sat me in my high chair as she agreed sooner than i expected." Ok mommy, we'll have everything ready for her as soon as you come back," Kuki happily said as she waved at mommy before they both head out to the store.  " And SO HELP ME if your sister isn't ready by the time we're back you two will be more grounded than the day being grounded was ever invented do i make myself CLEAR!?!?," dad asked as he violently shook his hands up in down like he was in some sort of panic.

I never knew what it was but i gotta say, the old man needs to calm down a little, sometimes i just want to throw my rattle at him if it would mean he'd calm his nagging voice. But since Twiddle dumb and Twiddle stupid doesn't seem so bothered by it they both would just brush the yelling off and agree as usual. " Ok," Kuki happily said. " Don't worry, we'll take care of Yui," Mushi said. As they both walked out Kuki and Mushi both quickly hugged each other, squealing with excitement since somehow staying at home by yourself is a good thing. As they continued to cheer i gently rolled my big, baby eyes and annoyance.  " We get to have Yui all to ourself," Kuki squealed with excitement. " And that means more tea time for us," Mushi happily said. As they both continued to celebrate i sighed a little, capturing their attention.

As they looked at me they both headed towards me with one of those....smiles...again. " Don't worry Yui, we'll take it all from here," Mushi said, causing my eyes to widened a little. " Which reminds me,"Kuki said As she  picked me up once again. " After all that tea you had you must've wet yourself," she said. " So i am going to change your diaper," she causing me to sigh with annoyance. " After we change your diaper we'll have another tea party," Mushi cheered, making me lay my head down on the side of Kuki's shoulder.

"Sure ...whatever, do what you want just fill my bottle up with more tea afterwards,"

Alright that's all for today. I hope you like, comment, and i'll write to you guys next time

see ya :)

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