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That's all I'd been doing for the past four weeks.

Running, climbing, trekking, and overall just trying to survive.

The fatigues I'd left in were torn and tattered, the sleeves of my forest green shirt had been torn off at some point early on, and the collar was fraying a dangerous amount. The camouflage cargo-pants no longer reached past the middle of my calves, as they had been constantly torn and tugged at during the journey.

At least my combat boots were fine.

I'd lost the duffel bag that I'd stuffed with water bottles, a pistol, and whatever shitty rations they had on base within the first week to a few wild boars, which meant I was now very hungry, thirsty, and borderline defenseless.

I continued running for what felt like a shortened version of forever. My legs almost giving out on multiple occasions until a fence came into view. It was green and in a netted pattern with thick steel bars making up its structure. By my estimate it was almost about ten feet tall.

Could I climb that?

Well, I could now. I didn't have a damn choice.

I started running again. Managing to gain enough momentum and inertia to leap up and grasp the steel bar. I quickly pulled himself up and perched on top of  the fence with a squat. Ahead of me was a small gap and a chain link fence right after that, and before me was-


"It's the border..." My scratchy voice whispered, it was almost entirely unused in the month I'd been running, escaping. I barely recognized it.

I looked around and found a small border patrol outpost to my left, about a couple hundred meters away. One soldier was looking opposite me, his rifle discarded in the small outpost as he clicked away on a phone. The other guard was directly facing the border fence, a cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth and a Type-58 in his grip.

Within a few seconds I had made a plan.

I stalked over, balancing atop the green fence's steel bars so as to not expose myself by jumping down too early. When I eventually made it over I noticed the two guards hadn't moved an inch.

I quickly leaped over the small gap and the chain link fence, landing on rough and gravely dirt.


The guard lackadaisically looked over to me, but by that time I had sprung up and was already in front of the confused man, slugging him with a left hook, causing the cigarette to fall out of his mouth. I quickly grabbed the Type-58 and yanked with as much force as I could, causing the rifle to leave the man's grip and to whip him in the face. No sooner did I kick the guard in the solar plexus, flinging him back into the wall and causing him to lose the air in his lungs.

The other guard had almost no time to react, he desperately turned and reached for his rifle, trying to save his-


I fired the Type-58, the bullet going right in between the other guard's eyes and causing the dead man's corpse to fall to the ground unceremoniously. I quickly turned to the other guard that had just caught his breath and fired another shot straight through his brain, killing him on the spot...

I panted for a few seconds, my pale skin slick with sweat. That was the most active I'd been besides running in almost a month, and not to mention I was starving and definitely suffering from major dehydration.

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