Chapter 1

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The train pulled into the station, rattling and shuddering, and shook awake William Byers, who had fallen asleep midway through his journey. Yawning and stretching, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and wrestled with the suitcase to join the queue of other passengers also attempting to exit the train.

The station was busy, not too overcrowded, but wherever Will looked there were people greeting eachother, embracing, waving goodbye, picking up eachothers suitcases and bags.

He swept his fringe out of his face in one swift movement, then continued his walk through the station, slightly uncomfortably due to the hot sun beating down on the town. He knew where he was meeting his taxi driver, and after checking the time on his wristwatch, he saw he was perfectly on time. Entering the parking lot, Will looked around until he found his driver.

The driver hauled his case and backpack into the trunk of the car with a grunt, nodding his head as a signal for Will to get in the car.

"Redwood Springs, yeah, son?" The driver had a gruff voice, gravelly.

Even the name of the town, "Redwood Springs", sounded magical to Will, exciting and wild. He'd never properly travelled before, and yet here he was, in a taxi, states away from his mom and Jonathan, heading to an unfamiliar town hidden away between endless valleys and a gorgeous beach.

"Son?" The driver tried again.

"Oh, yes please. Redwood Springs," the name felt good to say, and Will's heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation as he handed the driver the requested money and settled back into his seat, watching the roads and valleys and trees and lakes and other small towns and villages speed past the tinted glass windows. They even drove through a city at one point, which shocked Will as he was under the impression Redwood was isolated, yet it was only 20 minutes away from the city.

As it began to dawn on Will just how far from home he'd come, he began to debate asking the driver to turn around and take him back to the station. What did he think he was doing? All the way out here- and for what? A summer job?
Well, he knew that wasn't the only reason.

Will was bored of Hawkins, bored of routine. He wanted something new- an adventure! Like in his books.
Will knew this wasn't going to be anything like his books, but it could also serve as an interesting vacation when he wasn't working, which he also truthfully wanted.

Before he'd finished his internal debate, the driver pulled to a halt.

"Here we are son, have a good one, eh?" His voice was gruff as ever, but a little kinder this time, as Will dragged himself out of the car, slightly hesitantly.

He knew the town was unfamiliar, but he hadn't realised how unfamiliar it would feel in person. He knew nothing here, none of the streets, none of the houses, none of the people.

"Need a hand?" The driver noticed Will's forlorn look, and handed him his luggage from the trunk, with a pitying expression.

"Have fun, eh?" He patted Will's shoulder then climbed back into the car, reversed, and sped off in a spray of gravel.

That was it then, he was stuck here now.

He grasped the strap of his backpack for security, and looked around. His first stop should probably be the Wheeler's, to check his job schedule? Or pick up a uniform? Or introduce himself? Or just something. In truth, Will didn't know what he was expecting to do at the Wheeler's house, but it seemed a good place to start. He pulled out the crumpled peice of paper with the address on, smoothing it out a little with his fingertips. The only issue was, he had no clue how to get there.

He began to walk aimlessly, looking for the street name on any sign he passed. This seemed a useless effort, so eventually he gave up and approached a girl. She had shoulder length brown hair, and was sat on a stone wall, reading a book but occassionally glancing around, like she was waiting for someone.

"Er- hello? Excuse me?" Will walked up to her, and she seemed to ignore him, or not to hear him, until his shadow fell over her. Then she looked up.

"Oh, sorry, did you need something?" She had a soft voice, and a kind smile, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, sorry to disturb you, but I need help finding this address." Will handed over the crumpled peice of paper.

She glanced down at it. "Oh, the Wheeler's! What are you seeing them about?" She smiled inquisitively, then her face dropped. "Sorry, that was invasive, you don't have to answer."

"No, it's no problem. I've come to work for them. At their restraunt," Will smiled, and the girl stood up and began to lead him off.

"Oh, really? That's where I work! It's a really nice place, you'll love it, uh-"
She paused, hinting at Will to input his name.


"You'll love it, Will. I'm El, by the way!"

El lead him down several streets, until they reached an impressive looking house, painted a light blue with white accents. Will had noted all the buildings here were brightly coloured.

El stopped at the garden gate.

"The Wheeler's are a lovely family, I'm sure you'll like them, and them you! Word of advice though, maybe stay away from Mike. He can be a bit of a dickhead, new girl every week type of boy. Rude aswell. But anyways, they know me very well already, so would you like me to come in with you?" El smiled and waited for a response.

Truthfully, Will would have liked for El to come in with him. He'd only known her 15 minutes tops, but because of her gentle demeanour, easygoing nature and expertise at small talk, it felt more like forever, and he was sure he would've been comforted by her presence.
But, he wanted to be independent and do this by himself. He thought it might help him get over his feeling of being small and insignificant he'd developed due to his new surroundings.

"Thanks for the offer, but I got it, El. Could you wait outside though? Like here?"

El nodded in response, and Will opened the gate, walked to the door, took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

A smiling woman in a yellow summer dress, with blonde curly hair, neatly tied back, opened the door.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"Uh- yes. I'm Will. Will Byers," Will spoke as loud as he could, trying to seem confident and professional.

"Will! Please come in, honey!" She exclaimed, standing to the side and beckoning him in.

Will entered into an impressive hall, neatly decorated with plants and portraits and bookshelves, with spotless wooden floors.

"Wow, you have a gorgeous house, Mrs. Wheeler," Will gasped, taking in the entrance hall as she lead him through to what appeared to be a living room, furnished with pale leather sofas and a thick, shaggy rug.

"Ah, thank you, lovely. No need to call me Mrs. Wheeler though, call me Karen." She sat down and patted the sofa next to her. Will took the hint and sat.

"So, you are our latest waiter then?" She reached over the sofa arm as Will nodded, and retrieved a pile of clothes: a blue button down shirt, black straight-cut pants and a small waist-down apron, also black but embroidered with small flowers and seashells along the bottom.

"Your uniform," she smiled as Will gratefully accepted the clothes.

"And a list of your shifts," she placed a peice of paper on top of the stack of clothes Will was holding, and he quickly unzipped his suitcase and placed the uniform inside, but tucking the shifts timetable into his pocket.

"Well, uh, thank you for everything Mrs- uh, Karen, and thank you for being so welcoming, but I probably should go and unpack at the hotel I'm staying in," Will smiled, trying his best not to seem rude, as he really appreciated Karen's hospitality.

"Of course, dear! But please come back and have dinner with us tonight, it will probably be done around six pm, but feel free to come a little earlier and just 'chill out' here," she patted Will fondly on his back, and passed him his backpack as he stood up.

Suddenly, something- or rather someone, behind Will caught her attention.

"Mike, honey, please will you go and help Will take his stuff to his hotel? I'm sure it's not far, and I'm sure he'd appreciate it!"

Will tensed, remembering El's "advice". He turned slowly, his muscles almost frozen, and there in the doorway, looking vaguely unimpressed, was Mike Wheeler.

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