Chapter 21

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Will worked for the next few days, relishing in the routine of it, and the fact that he knew Mike wouldn't come anywhere near the restraunt. However, his good fortune ended when he got half a day off, but both El and Max got roped into doing a full day. The two girls whined about it, almost non stop for thirty minutes, about how they wouldn't have said yes if they knew Will wasn't doing the extra shift. All three knew El was too kind to say no, and would have done it anyway, which meant Max would have agreed just to get to work with her, so both girls would have done the extra work anyway. But nobody mentioned this.

Will walked into the break-room to change into his normal clothes. He stuffed his uniform into his frayed backpack, and slid swimming trunks under his shorts, and tugged on a faded white graphic-tee, who's originally bright picture and slogan had been lost to time. Then he made three more smoothies, and walked back into the main restraunt, settling himself down at the empty bar, the smoothies lined up in front of him. He called El and Max over, who were wiping down tables, and slid the drinks to them

"What are you gonna do with your half-a-day off?" El asked, sipping delicately through the straw. "Uh, I dunno, maybe go for a swim at the beach. It's a nice day," Will shrugged. "Lucky," Max muttered, her jealousy bright in her eyes, though it wasn't malicious.

Will tipped his glass back, finishing his drink almost in one. "Well, see you guys," he grinned, and elbowed Max in the ribs, "Have fun working. I'll come back and talk to you guys later."

He waved to them both, then stepped outside, loving the feeling of the hot air blasting into his face, pushing his fringe out of his eyes. The hot sun beat down on him, and he felt the tanned, exposed skin of his arms and legs threatening to burn. He broke into a run as he neared the beach, extending his legs as far as he could, and hopped oved the fence seperating the road from the sand in one smooth motion, landing in a cloud of dust on the beach. He stood for a moment, taking in the large, unblemished expanse of gold, the seafoam and sparkling green washing up over the edges of it. He took a few steps forwards, walking closer to the edge of the sea, and laid out a towel, abandoning his shoes, shorts and backpack on top of it. He chose to keep the faded shirt over his swim shorts, and surveyed the area, grateful for the fact he'd come in the middle of the day. Most people were still at work, so the beach was virtually unoccupied, bar a few teens and small children accompanied by older grandparents. Either way, it ensured he wouldn't be bothered.

He waded into the surf, throwing his body forward in the perfect arc of a dive. He kicked his legs and resurfaced, pushing his wet hair back from his face, gently using his arms to steady himself so he could tread the water. Then he swam out, occassionally ducking underneath the waves, until he was level with the rock he and Mike had shared. It was difficult to climb it, his wet limbs combined with the slimy surface, and he breathed a sigh of relief when his fingers finally clawed over the top of it. He tensed his arms, drawing himself upwards until his elbows rested on the edge of the rock. His head popped up, and he was unable to hide a gasp of shock at finding his rock already occupied.

"Will?" The occupant asked, raising his head from his arms where it had been resting. Mike had his legs curled up to his chest, and his eyebrows shot up in suprise. He seized Will's arms despite the boy's protests, and dragged him up onto the rock.

"I thought you had work today?" Mike asked suspiciously, looking Will up and down. "Only half a day," Will shrugged, crossing his legs as he sat down. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" Mike repeated. "It's my rock, remember?" He said indignantly, though Will could tell it was only a tease.

Will laughed, and imitated Mike's pose, suddenly self conscious as he felt the boy's eyes on him. He was hyper-aware of how his wet shirt and swimming trunks were stuck to him, and that his damp hair was matted down and slicked back, stiffened with sea salt and water.

"I guess I was just bored," Mike finished, realising Will still wanted an answer to his question. "No Masie today?" Will pressed, trying to keep the sarcasm out of his tone. "No, I ended it. Whatever "it" was. I never really wanted to date her, there was nothing going on."

"You don't need to rationalise it to me," Will shrugged, "it's none of my business. I was just messing with you."

"Oh. Yeah."

Mike shook himself, and recovered. "But enough about Masie. What are you here for?"

"Isn't it obvious? Swimming," Will laughed. Mike grinned, and his mood lifted. "So not because you desperately missed me?" He joked, a hand over his heart as Will shook his head.

"Fancy a swim?" Will suggested, and Mike simply tugged at the fabric of his shirt with one hand, saying 'does it look like I'm dressed to swim?' without a single word leaving his mouth. "You could just swim in your shorts," Will reminded him. "I guess," Mike smiled, standing up next to Will. "You go first," he waved a hand towards the edge of the rock as he tossed down his shirt and shoes. Will shrugged and walked to the edge, prepping himself for a perfect dive. He knew he wanted to show off to Mike. To impress him, even with something as simple as a dive. Will had more elevation to work with from the rock, rather than the beach. He checked over his shoulder to make sure Mike was watching, then stretched his arms high over his head. He leapt forwards, bringing his legs up neatly, as his body curved into a perfect arc. Mike watched in awe as Will hit the water, disappearing under the surface with barely a disturbance to the waves. He found it hard to believe that this was the same boy he'd dragged, flailing and yelling, into his pool all those weeks ago.

He ran forwards, leaping into a smooth dive, hoping that if Will was watching him he'd executed it atleast somewhat decently. He opened his eyes into the murky green, and blew out most of the air in his lungs in a bubble of suprise at Will's face, inches from his own, grinning. Then he realised, no, he hadn't seen Will surface. The stupid guy had waited down under the surf to scare him. And it had worked.

They surfaced together, splashing at eachother and taking in gulps of air before scrambling up the side of the rock together, both trying to be the first to the top, slipping and sliding and hitting and pushing. Despite their efforts, the both arrived at the top of the rock at the same time, gasping for breath and collapsing with laughter.

When they calmed down, Mike reached for Will's face, a hand grazing the side of it. Will was pretty sure he knew what would happen next - and he almost let it - but part of him knew better. He pulled away, pushing Mike's hand gently back down to rest on the rock.

"Mike," he said pointedly, "I can't- I really can't do this."

"What do you mean? I broke up with Masie, I'm not tied to anyone, we can do whatever," Mike smiled, and considered trying again. Though he knew it was smarter to wait, and let Will initiate what, if anything, was going to happen.

"That's exactly what I mean. You don't want a relationship, do you?"

"Uh-" Mike thought for a moment, not sure what the right answer was. Was there even a right answer? "No, well, I'm not sure. I don't think so." Then he added, "I'm not gay."

The word was harsh, and momentarily shocked Will into silence, before he swallowed his hurt, and continued. "Exactly. But I don't want to just mess around. I know this doesn't mean anything, and you're kissing just because you can, and that's just what you do, but I don't do that."

Mike shrugged. "Okay, up to you. But I don't see why not, you're only here for the summer. Whatever you get here won't last, may aswell mess around."

Will flinched. Mike could be the most lovely, poetic person, but other times the most dense boy he'd ever met, completely unaware of the impact of his own words. "Doesn't mean I can't have a proper relationship and enjoy it while it lasts," Will retorted, aware of how stupid he sounded, like someone out of a romance novel.

The two spoke no more on the matter, and turned back to swimming. They spent the rest of the day splashing around what they'd come to refer to as 'their rock', and then Will swam quickly to the beach, and returned via the fence poles, with his backpack, which he'd pulled snacks out of for the two to share. They swam and ate and talked and dived and laughed until the sea became too cold to even consider dipping a leg into it, and the breeze turned into a wind, tracing harsh goosbumps up the exposed skin of the shivering boys. That was when both decided it was best to head back.

Thankfully, Will arrived back at Cedar without incident.

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