Chapter 13

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Will arrived back at Cedar with tendrils of his sour mood still clinging to him, infecting the atmosphere around him like a plague. Robin picked up on it almost immediately, and invited him to sit with her, patting the desk reassuringly.

He wasn't sure what he was going to say, or if he even wanted to say anything, or what Robin was going to say, but he slid himself onto the reception desk anyway, swinging his legs and refusing to look Robin, who was sat on a chair infront of him, in the eyes.

"Will?" Her tone of voice was soft, as if she was afraid words alone would break him into a thousand peices. He wasn't sure that they wouldn't, in that moment. "Will, are you okay?"

He shook his head, his fringe concealing his eyes and creating a thick curtain, so he only saw slices of Robin. It was still enough for him to pick up on her wide eyes and concerned expression however, and he realised she had never seen him like this. He did like to mope a lot, but he never usually dragged others into it, and he wasn't even sure what he was moping about.

"Do you want to talk?" She tried again, reaching out a hand to gently pat his shoulder. Will shrugged, not sure how to phrase his issue, or what his issue actually was. But he was going to try anyway.

"I got into a fight with Mike," he let his shoulders sag, embarrassed such an inconsequential sounding thing had him so wound up.

"Oh. The boy you hung out with a week ago?"

"You remembered that?"

"Yeah, course I did. What did you two fight about?"

In that moment, time felt suspended, like the world around Will was frozen. He really, really, desperately wanted to tell her, to recieve her support and validation and acceptance. He knew it would be- it was a gamble, and a dangerous one at that, but Robin felt safe. Robin was safe. She was Will's safe space. He could tell her anything, couldn't he? What was the point of being around her if he had to watch what he said?

"I kissed him."

The words were out now, the root of the plague, and they hung heavy in the air, seeming as dirty and filthy as any infection to Will. At first, Robin didn't respond, her body seemed frozen. Then slowly, like clockwork, she began to buzz back to life. It started with a small nod of her head, accompanied by a soft "oh". The two stared at eachother, and Will felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. Had he messed up another friendship?

"What happened then?"

Will was stunned, and Robin had leaned forwards, listening even more intently than she previously was. Will wasn't sure what this meant, but took it as a good sign. She hadn't insulted him yet and that had to count for something.

"He ran off. When I found him he didn't want to talk, so I told him I didn't like him like that- didn't like him at all, and stormed off."

There was silence for a moment, then, "And do you? Like him like that, I mean."

Will looked up from staring at his swinging legs, and met Robin's gaze. She looked just as scared as he did, and he couldn't work out why.

"Well, no," he started slowly. "It's wrong."

She didn't break her gaze, though a small frown formed between her eyebrows. Will gulped, and dared to add, so quietly Robin almost completely missed it, "Isn't it?"

This final addition seemed to act as a trigger for Robin, and she stood up, pulling Will off the table and close to her, initiating a hug. She gave him room to pull back, but when he didn't she squeezed him as tightly as she could, resting her chin on his head. She felt his arms slowly creep up and cling to her back, balling the fabric of her shirt into his fists.

"No- God, no, Will. It is not wrong. I don't want you ever thinking that again, you hear me?" She spoke into his hair, feeling him nod in response. That was all Robin needed. She'd corrected a disgusting phrase, one that had eaten away at her, for someone else. It was not wrong. Love was not wrong. Finally, she allowed Will to step back, and smiled at the fact both their faces were tear-stained.

"You know, Will," she started, fighting to allow the words out of her choked-up throat, "I am the same. I- I don't like guys. Just girls."

A smile twitched at the corners of Will's mouth, before breaking into a full grin. Robin laughed, pulling him in for one final, swift hug.

"Jesus Christ, I hate all that sappy shit," she concluded, though her face said otherwise. Then, with a smirk, she added, "So, do you like Mike?"

The light mood evaporated from Will and he shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe? Not that it matters now anyway. He thinks I don't like him at all, and he's not interested in speaking to me or even being near me."

Robin stared Will deep into his eyes, trying to come up with a good response, with a way to comfort him. She couldn't, so instead simply stated, "Just give him time, Will."

Will fell back into his old routine, the one he'd followed after the sleepover and before his night out. If there was one thing he'd learned, it was no more drinking. His confidence had taken a mighty blow from Mike's harsh rejection, and he felt himself overcome with guilt at the fact El and Max now had to wait for him to catch back up to them. He'd been involuntarily distancing himself from them, yet they still tried their best to be opening and welcoming to him, greeting him with a smoothie every morning, inviting him home for dinner, or to come and watch a movie, or to go shopping, or just to walk around the town. By the end of the week, Will began to feel more like himself, and went back to enjoying the company of others, and looking forward to his work shifts again.

Until the next Monday rolled around, and Will opened the restraunt door to see Mike sat on the bar table, where Will was usually seated, looking highly displeased.

Author's Note:

I don't know how or why ive created a close friendship between Robin and Will because it wasn't meant to be, i literally only put her there because i wanted a receptionist character but didnt want to make one up
But ive come too far now and i love it and i will die on this hill

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