Why me?

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Kazuha pov~

Heizou and I had know each other a few months. He had come over to watch a movie. "Awww~ is little Heizou afraid~" I teased. "I- of course not!" He half shouted. "Mhmm whatever you say~" I said sarcasticly. A groan was all I got in response. Heizou suddenly sat up. "Shit I'm late!" He groaned. "Late for what?" I questioned. "Work!" He answered already grabbing his belongings. "Awwww don't leave me!" I said pouting. "I'm sorry Kazuha. But I really do need to go. We can hangout some other time okay?" He apologized "fineee" I grumbled. And with that he left. I was alone again. Like always. I paused the movie we were watching and started packing up. May aswell go get groceries.. I thought to myself

As I walked to the store I ran into someone. "Ah! I am so sorry!" I apologized. I looked at who I'd bumped into. It was Heizou. "Heizou? I thought you were off to work?" I said, confused. "Oh the boss gave me a day off so I was gonna go back to your place after getting a few things." He laughed nervously. I didn't believe him. "Why would your boss give a day off?" I asked getting more suspicious of him. "I uh may have told him that my cat was at the vet and needed surgery." He admitted. "You don't even have a cat-" I said. "I know.. it was an excuse to go back to your place and hangout.." he mumbled. "Awwww~ Little Heizou wants to hangout with me? How sweet~" I giggled. "Shut up." He said sternly. "Hmm I know I'm just teasing~" I said. "Yeah yeah. Let's just go already." He said grabbing my hand and taking me back home. "You could've just asked to hold my hand you know?" I sighed allowing him to drag me home.

We got home, Heizou pushed me on the couch and sat down on me. "Oh? What's this~" I said smirking. "Just shut up. I have something very important to say to you." He paused midway. "Go on?" I said impatiently. "Look Kazuha I.. I really like you. I don't expect you to return my feelings or even say anything." He admitted. I turned bright red. Heizou. Shikanoin Heizou likes me!? Why me? Aren't there so many other better people?? I thought to myself. "Heizou, why me? I love you too but why me?" I asked him. He was surprised but answered. "Kadehara Kazuha, you are so amazing in every way possible." He admitted staring intensely at my lips. "May I kiss you?" He muttered his cheeks slowly becoming redder. "What's that Heizou? I couldn't hear you~" I teased. "May I kiss you." He said louder this time. I nodded in response as he leaned in. I could feel his warm breath against my lips. Our lips connected. The kiss was soft. I loved it. I wanted more but I'm not sure he was comfortable with that. Our lips disconnected. He smiled at me and laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Your all red!" He laughed more. "oh so that's how you wanna play?" I said standing up with him. I grabbed his waist pulling him closer. He gasped. "May I?" I asked. He nodded eagerly. I kissed him once more. This time the kiss was heated. He opened his mouth allowing my tongue to explore his mouth. He groaned into my mouth suddenly tugging at my hair. He pulled away. " I think that's enough for now love." He said resting his head on my chest. I laid him down on the couch. We both fell asleep cuddling.

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