My Love~

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Heizou pov~

I groaned not wanting to wake up. "Kazuu~ get up~" I complained, shaking him. He just groaned in response. Sighing, I got up and started preparing for the day.

I cooked eggs on toast, simple but tasty. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Oh? Good morning to you too my love~" I greeted him.

"Morning Zou." He murmured softly. I laughed at his sleepiness.

"I made breakfast." I said, softly. Kazuha slowly let go and went to the table. he grumbled something before taking a bite of his breakfast. Instantly I saw his eyes light up.

"Thif is reafy goof!" He said his mouth full.

"Don't eat with your mouth full babey." I laughed.
he pouted at me, before finishing his food.

"Kazuha! are you ready yet?" I asked my lover. I heard a loud thump followed by a groan. "Kazu?" I asked. I ran in to our room, and behold kazuha was there on the floor. "Oh my archons.." I sighed helping him up. He smiled dumbly at me.

"Thanks Zou.." He thanked me.

"your welcome love." I said playing with his hair. He looked at me.

"I love you Zou~" He whsipered in my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I pulled him into a hug, stroking his soft, white hair. I kissed his neck softly.

"I love you too Kazu~" I said kissing him. "Now, we best be going." I told him, taking his hand.

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