The Honor of the First Ask Goes to... Blue!

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Blue was just at the edge of sleep when his phone buzzed in his pocket. If it had been only once or twice, he would've ignored it and dozed off again, but it kept buzzing and buzzing and buzzing. Every vibration sapped another ounce of sleep away from him. With a sigh, he pulled his phone out to see notification upon notification from Ink.


Blue get up!

I got a wierd feeling

I think something broke

Maybe the 4th wall???

So if you start hearing voices or something don't worry! It's just the creatosr


Youre not crazy ;P

Blue heaved a deeper sigh, sent back an "Ok, thank you", and glanced down at Hope. Thankfully, she'd stayed asleep through Ink's hammer texts. The poor thing needed to rest after crying her eyesockets out the way that she had.

The scent of egg had wafted upstairs, and he wrinkled his nasal ridge as his stomach turned. He had lied, just a little, at feeling as well as he had claimed—who could blame him? Hope had passed out, and Ink was nearly crying over her unconscious frame. Blue had heard the crash, and Ink's panicked mumbling had made him stumble downstairs so he could make sure everything was okay. Dream had already found the two, though, and he was the one who had to calm down the artist before he got any more hysterical and get blood back to Hope's skull. And then the golden skeleton had to reassure him that he didn't have to feel bad about Hope being exhausted. He didn't need Dream worrying any more so early in the morning over something as unimportant as a little nausea.

...Despite Dream's words, Blue still felt guilty. While Hope's care and pressure point trick was a catalyst in his recovery, it seemed to take what little energy she had left. That wasn't good for her at all—she was still recovering from Before, and she needed all the energy she could possibly gain. He was sure he saw her limp just a little on the way to the stairwell... He should check it soon... probably when Hope was awake, though. Even the thought of checking her leg while she was unaware felt like betraying the little trust she'd managed to scrape up for him.

Before he could wander in his thoughts a little more, Blue heard a voice. He couldn't pin where it came from, and the only thing he could gather was the tone. Whoever was speaking was very excited, it sounded like.

Must be part of that breach Ink was talking about, he thought. He drew in a breath.

"Hello? Is there something you want to say?" Blue asked quietly. His voice was weak and hoarse, and it lacked the usual enthusiasm he would use to greet new people. Hopefully, they wouldn't mind him sounding the way he did.

The voice took a minute to respond, and the longer it took, the more he worried his speaking scared them off—even if they were excited mere moments before.

"And, uh... Sorry about my voice... I've been sick, and I'm still recovering. I don't mind talking with you for a bit, though!"

As if they heard him, the voice replied.

"Just a random quick question: Out of all the people living with you—that means the Stars, you, and Hope—who gives the best hugs??"

Blue blinked, a little surprised. Getting right to the point like that wasn't exactly what he was expecting, but he didn't mind. It cut the monotonous small talk he didn't have the energy for. He thought a moment, swallowing a weak wave of nausea while he did so.


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"Well... I think everyone gives great hugs, but if I had to choose one monster, it has to be Ink. Don't get me wrong, Dream gives these amazing hugs that always make you feel safe and relaxed and warm, and the few hugs Hope has given me have been very sweet and heartfelt (though rather timid), but Ink is a cuddlebug. He can crush the Soul out of you or hug you for hours, but he means every ounce of strength or every second he puts into it. It's even better if he is feeling particularly affectionate towards us. He doesn't even always understand the point of it, but he'll sometimes even hug one of us when he remembers it helps us feel better. Honestly, I think he's pretty touch-starved, and I can bet his magic drinks in as much physical contact as he can get."

Blue leans back against the headboard and rubs Hope's arm. "I guess I could have chosen myself, but while my hugs are absolutely magnificent, I'd rather talk about how nice the rest feel—I can't describe my own hugs very well, after all!" He manages a small smile. "I hope that answer works for you, friend. If you'd like, you can stay and talk a while. I don't mind."


Looks like Blue is open to chat for a while (thanks, Inkster). You can speak with him, and if you'd like, you can go and talk with Ink and/or Dream!  

...Writing Ink's typos were both fun and painful to do XD

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