A Not-So-Starry Answer

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Just a note: I'm really busy, but my brain is in hyperfocus mode and so I had to get this written out. There's no art for this chapter; I hope that's okay. I'm sorry :(

When an answer doesn't come within the first sixty seconds, Blue starts dozing off. He can't help it. Hope is, admittedly, a nice weight against him, and the bed is just too comfortable to resist. However, he had decided he didn't want to sleep for the sake of not being caught by surprise from another bout of sickness. He knew it was unlikely, but he couldn't help but worry. If it got bad, he'd have to put Hope down and hurry back to the bathroom, and for that, he needed to be aware of how he was feeling.

A hum was what brings him back to reality, and it sounds like the voice from only a minute before.

"Oh, you're still there." He doesn't sound disappointed or upset at all, just fatigued and relieved. It's hard for him to conjure up any semblance of a smile, for the case the voice could see him. "Was there something else you wanted to say? Another question, maybe? I need to stay awake for a bit."

"Yes, I have another question!" the voice chirps excitedly.

"I'm ready. What is it?"

"How do ya feel about Hope's starry freckles?"

Blue looked down to the little stars decorating the girl's zygomatic, as if to remind himself that they existed.

"I personally love them," they continued, "but she doesn't seem to be very comfy with the fact that they're there. If you like them, too, can you tell her that we both really love them? She should probably try to work on her anxiety first, but a bit of self-confidence would definitely be a boost if we could get her some- oh. Sorry for the rambling, Swap..." They trailed off in nervous laughter.

Blue doesn't respond immediately, and he worries that would scare the voice off since they were already self-conscious. "Don't worry about the rambling or my slowness, I'm thinking about it..."

His eyelights flick over each star, and his brows furrow. He... seems conflicted. It takes a few minutes of careful thought before he seems to come up with an answer, and he looks up from where he'd ended up staring at the blanket.

"I... I like them. I think they're cute in some cases, and beautiful in most. They pair her personality very well, and when we were in Outertale, she looked almost like she belonged. But... I don't feel like it's a good idea to comment on them right now. You're right, she could use the confidence boost, and maybe it'll help her to look in a mirror someday, but with her current state of mind... It's just not a good idea.

"Ink commented on them once pretty soon after she woke up from her bath. It was positive in wording, tone, and intent, but... stars, she looked so scared... Her light got all shrunken and she went pale. Before we knew it, Dream was trying to calm her down from a panic attack. Her wheezing and sobs were soul-wrenching. She couldn't even cry properly—she didn't have enough water in her to. Ink looked shocked, then pretty anxious himself. I took him out of the room and he kept asking me what he did wrong, why she was freaking out. I couldn't... I couldn't answer. I didn't know. He wrote a reminder on his scarf to never, ever mention the stars again... He went in to apologize after she calmed down, but she started getting worked up again just at the sight of him. That... kind of broke his 'soul'. He turned tail and ran, and I found him puking his guts up in the bathroom. I've almost never seen him feeling that guilty and hurt. Since then, we've kept it an unspoken rule to never mention the stars again."

Blue sighs, rubbing Hope's arm. "I know your intent is good, and I really don't mean to bring you down, but we can't say anything about them for now. I know Sci's coming later to check on her, so maybe he can ask. I mean, it's been a while since she was first brought here, so maybe she's a little more open to at least a comment or question. Last time Sci looked at them, he said they had a strange magic to them, like a close variant of her actual magic. He wanted to see if it would change, and if it has, then he'll see if it's a cause for concern or not."

There is silence for a while.

"Sorry, friend. I know all that probably wasn't what you wanted to hear. We could get to it once she learns how to manage her anxiety about them, but for now, the stars are a no-go."

Blue's brows furrow again. "On the bright side," he starts, "she asked Ink to help her find some clothes that were just a little more form-fitting the other day. Not much, but... y'know, like the shirts women wear to accent the curves from their hips...? I mean, they're shaped and cut in a way that shows off the feminine figure...? That sounds really awkward, I'm so sorry. The point is, she showed interest in something that doesn't hide her figure entirely, which I find is a good step. Ink was elated, too. He had apparently asked her if he could make the clothes, and when she said yes, he was over the moon! Of course, he immediately threw up, but he started working on designs that day. He said he'll design a few different things for her to choose from, and then get her measurements so he can start working on it. He was still gushing about it at dinner, almost quite literally. 

"He's still sketching ideas, too; I just hope he doesn't get carried away. That's what happened to this peacock costume he made for... I don't remember, some event just before Halloween one year—he made it almost too bold and he had to make some serious revisions. And even then, it was still pretty flamboyant. I think, for Hope, he'd go with the idea that she's almost catlike in some ways and make her this crazy kitty-themed outfit. Now that would be interesting."

The thought draws a quiet laugh out of him. He still feels guilty that he didn't respond so positively to the question, but he wasn't going to lie about it. He does hope that the happier topic lifts their spirits after the depressing ramble.

"Anyway... if you want to ask anything else, fire away. I mean, keep it within reason, but I'm open to answering most questions. If you don't want to, that's fine, too... I'll probably just sleep, so it works out for me either way."

A pause.

"Just... don't dare Ink to do anything stupid. That's happened before, but with other Creators. Our squid is good enough at doing stupid things and getting into trouble on his own."


Blue is still open for asks, and so are Ink and Dream! Come to think of it, what are those two up to, anyway...?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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