1. A Subtle Transition

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The bang of the gun ripples through my body and ringing my ears. The sound is as sickening as it is deafening and possibly worse then the actual lead ripping through my intestines. It seems to be happening so slowly as if this world wants me to experience every drop of pain before I leave it behind for something hopefully better then this searing pain. Honestly life wasn't bad but when you've been shot it seems to be the only thing that runs through your mind not even the screams of people nearby or the moments that lead up to this. It's like the mind is trying it's hardest to focus at the problem at hand in some last attempt at saving itself. Of course it's all for not as me and my court papers hit the ground and splatter everywhere. The only relief I'm getting is from the loss of feeling caused by blood loss. Now that the pains fading I'm finally able to focus although everything seems to be a bit unfocused and fading by the minute. All I can really muster right now is a final breath....

.... Or final breaths as I breath in the fresh air. And then another. Then after a few more I start to realize that things are a lot less haze then I remember and breathing feels a lot less forced then before. This is when I opened my eyes to the leaves over head that I do not remember being there before. The panic starts to set in as I quickly push myself up and check my surroundings only to find a dense forest surrounding me. I quickly hope to my feet and check my body for the injuries to surprising find nothing. This does seem to be the only surprise as I find my arms to be a lot stubbier then normal but despite this I fell stronger then ever. In fact in all my panic I realize that I'm walking without my cane perfectly fine. In all this excitement I almost scream I joy as all these emotions wash over me that is until I hear a growl.

I turn to find a wolf that's bigger then a bear with bone white plates lining it's body. Although the wolf being bigger then a bear might just be because of my new height and my fear making it bigger than it really was. But regardless it was absolutely massive. The fearsome predator slowing starts to stalk towards me with its teeth beared and ready to snap close around my throat. It's eyes void of any feelings short of the pain it promises to inflict as it prepares to pounce. The it explodes into action as it lunges at me preparing to end my life in the most brutal way possible. It seems like everything slow to a crawl as a I try to will it out of existence.

That's when that sickening bang is heard as the creatures head explodes from the shear speed of the bullet impacting its skull. That's all I really see as after that I'm already on my knees curled up into a ball as if trying to make myself unseen by the origin of the noise. It was so quiet that the only thing heard was the raging beat of my heart. Which I slowly calm down as I try to assess the situation with my fear stricken mind. I stay like this for quite a while before final deciding it was safe to move.

I decided to start heading north as I remember distinctly remember people say to do that when your lost until you find a water source to follow. So after figuring out which way was north using the sun I started to walk. It took about a about 2 days of walking till I finally found a sign of civilization. I was to overwhelmed with absolute happiness of finally escaping this forest that I started sprinting as fast as my little legs could carry me. It was around when I started to feel my legs and lungs burn that I finally saw what looked like guards standing next to a gate. When I finally reached them I collapsed out of exhaustion, so happy to be out of the forest and back with civilization that I began to cry as the guards ushered me into the gates and into the warmth of a building as they decided what to do with me. Me I couldn't care less I was out of the woods and finally somewhere safe. These thoughts left me as I closed my eyes to get a well reserved sleep.

Reincarnated in RWBYМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя