3. A time skip and a first step

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Welcome 73 readers or however many actually make it to this chapter thank you for the support. Also be ware this chapters beginning has a poorly written time skip


After that day we became inseparable, mostly because I'd have to keep Umbra in line, you could alway find us talking about something be it hunters to homework. The days flew by until we finally were able to enter A hunters academy and I have to say the first day I was so nervous yet happy I swore I was going to explode.

While there I learned that my aura was surprisingly already unlocked something Umbra would not let down sayin stuff like "Why haven't you shown me this before? Come on where friends and think of all the cool stuff we could have done." And I was tempted to tell him how I would probably not have allowed the stuff he was thinking of but I decided I would let him dream for a bit longer.

Despite my lead against the other kids with me being able to advance my aura before everyone else I was still behind everyone else due to my tendency to freeze when there's a gun shot which sucks considering everyone's weapon just so happened to be a gun. Luckily Umbra being the absolute bro he is chose to not use any firearms in his design saying "well if we are going to be a deadly duo I can't have you freezing up cause of me. Just remember your lucky that grim don't have guns."

Through out the next years I learned how to work around my fears through quick reflexes and learning some calming methods. Of course this only got me to be good enough to pass but that was enough for me. Yeah Umbra on the other hand was a natural and stayed in the top five , for physical training his academics where lacking and I think I'm the only reason he actually pulled through on that front. Regardless of that I don't think either of use could be more ready for today. I mean what's the worse that can happen some elder Grimm attack us?

"Hey, you okay Reed you look worried? Come on chill we got this I mean look at some of these people there no where near our level. I mean look at that guy he looks like he couldn't even take an Ursa on." umbra said in an attempt to cheer me up. "Thanks but that looks like the exception I mean look at these people some of these people are literally wielding weapons twice there size." "Ha that means nothing there just trying to comp-" while me friend was speaking there was a man clad in armor so big and blue it looks like a tsunami was walking towards us rather then a man. I started talking in some vain hope of convincing him not to crush my friend like a bug by saying " sorry my friend here doesn't know when to close his mouth I'm sure he didn't mean to offend." "None taken I actually came over here cause I couldn't help but notice you looked uneasy" I physically deadpanned at this as I can hear my friend failing to hold in a laugh. Before I could respond the once background noise of the TV stopped and a hologram appeared before us. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

As she finishes the speech the bullhead lands and the door opens signaling us to exit. As we get out I can't help but be in awe of the grandness of the academy that lies before me the only thing interrupting it being the sound of an explosion that makes me tense up. I look over the ground to find the source of the blast only to see a girl lying on the ground with another more familiar faced girl standing above her. I decide it's not my business and decide to head in to wait for the assembly.

POV ( Deniz)

After getting off the ship I look around the area with a feeling of pride swelling as I'm now going to the same schools as my ancestors and keeping the Van Wit traditions alive. I begin to walk towards my destiny until an explosion gets my attention. I best go and see if my assistance is required. So I move over to where it happened to find two women arguing and that won't do I better stop this nonsense. I approach the whit haired lady that I recognize as a schnee and say "Madam, may I ask why your berating this poor child" "Yes, you may. You see I was minding my own business before this dolt ran into my luggage full of dangerous dust" I then responded curtly "while it is understandable that she should have been paying more mind of her surroundings it is quite unfitting to use such vulgar language" "wha- do you know who I am" of course I'd know the famous schnee's hm perhaps this is an example of sarcasm most befitting " Weiss schnee, heiress of the schnee dust company" the new person to this conversation was a female with dark shoulder length hair and a bow on top "thank you" the schnee responded before the new woman continued "the same company known for its shady business dealings and unfair labor environments" "wha-why you uh" the schnee said before turning and leaving with her belongings. With the situation defused I turn to the new comer who I try to introduce my self to except for the fact she was already gone. So I turn back to the young girl who's already off the ground thanks to a scrawny blond kid. "Greetings, my name is Deniz Van Wit, successor of the Van Wit blood line. I hope your alright and may I apologize on her behalf she acted most unbefitting for a heiress" the young lady simply stuttered out "n-no problem. Oh my names Ruby" "it was a pleasure making your equates Ruby now if you don't mind I will be going" "oh we'll see you later?" "Yes I hope we can meet at a later date" I then walk of with a slimmer of happiness that I could at least help deescalate the situation.


Alright thank you for reading this it's a lot longer then my other chapters because I randomly become motivated today so this is 4-5 hours worth rather than the normal 2. Also first POV change what do you guys think. Cause if you guys like it I'll keep using it of course I'll be foresure using it for next chapter seeing as I need to keep track of 4 characters progress through a forest that are separate. Yeah so please leave a comment I'd love to read feed back especially if it's for writing help and see you guys possibly tomorrow.

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