26 - A light

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You had been riding for two days now, the further North you went the colder it got, and the harsher the surroundings. There were no more trees, just mountains and snow, pretty soon you were going to have to leave the horses behind.

Jon was holding up fine, he'd done this before. Glen and Jason were having a bit of a harder time. Jason wasn't used to the cold.

You were looking at the horizon, the sun was setting. "Time to call it a day Alena." Jon came riding up next to you.

You looked at him with a frown. "If we don't find something today it'll be a lot more difficult tomorrow, we're running out of time Jon."

"I know."

You looked over your shoulder, Jason and Glenn looked tired. And you were too.
You were surrounded by mountains now, so looking far ahead had become very difficult.

"There is no way to know what's out there tomorrow", Jon kept trying to convince you.

He didn't know what you were feeling. Why would he decide how long you were able to ride for?

You snapped your head at him. "I can take perfect care of myself".

"I'm responsible for you and the others Alena and i'm telling you it's better if we camp now".

"Stop trying to command me on what to do".

"I'm your lord commander". Jon raised his voice. You did the same.

"You're also my-", you stopped your sentence.

"Go on, i'm your what?", Jon looked at you with a frown.

Just as you were about to answer you spotted something, a light, from just over the mountain in front of you.


You put your hand up towards Jon, getting him to stop talking.

The light started getting closer, it was moving towards you.

You shot your head over your shoulder and signaled Jason, who was already looking at the light as well. He and Glen came riding up next to you.

You glanced at Jon and signed for him to be quiet, then pointed your finger in the direction of the moving light.

He looked surprised, he hadn't spotted it yet. Hunters eyes apparently.

You reached for your bow and drew an arrow tight, Jason did the same beside you. Jon had his hand resting on his sword.

The light turned into a silhouette, a horse, with a rider on top. You aimed and locked your gaze on the black figure. The sun had set and it had gotten dark quickly which made it even harder to identify anything.

You shot your eyes at Jon to signal him to be ready if needed. He slowly drew his sword as the light started getting within reach.

Just as you were about to be able to see the riders face the light went out.

Total darkness ahead.

You kept your eyes locked on where the rider was just a second ago. Your hand wrapped tight around your bow and your arrow against your cheek.

You could feel your chest rising and falling, making little clouds in the air.

"Little fox?"

A voice came out of the darkness.

Your eyes shot wide open, your heart rate spiked.

Suddenly the light went back on and the riders face was lit, he was now standing only a few meters away.


AN: Hi! Just a filler chapter, I'll be working on more :) Sorry for not updating for a while, i've been in the hospital and trying to recover. Hope you enjoyed this one! As always, my messages are open to all of you lovely people. xx -E

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