Chapter 1:Meeting Them

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*Alanna POV*
Today I have to go with my dad to meet his fiancée and her son.I found out my dad was engaged about 2 months ago but I am only meeting his soon to be wife today.I was a bit upset that my father wanted to remarry but I don't blame him,my mother died 13 years ago.When I was born,my father was 17 and my mother was 16.So now my dad is 37 and his fiancée is about 38.I woke up at about 10 a.m to get ready.After I was ready,I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning dad." I greeted my dad who was making pancakes.

"Morning sweetie." He handed me a plate with 3 pancakes on.I ate them silently while my dad took a seat in front of me."Are you excited to meet your step mom and step brother?" He asked me.

"Depends..." I started,looking up at my father. "Is she nice?"

"Of course she is.I can't say she's as kind as your mother was but she won't make you scrub her floors or anything like that." He answered, jokingly.

"What about her son?" I was curious whether I would actually get along with him or not.

"Hyunjin is a respectful boy.He can be aggressive sometimes but it's only because he still can't get over his father's death." We both are still suffering the loss of a parent?Oh,we'll get along well.

"Are we gonna have to move in with them?" I asked my dad.

"They're moving in with us and Hyunjin's friends are gonna become apart of our pack." He answered calmly.

"He's friends with lone wolves?" I don't have anything against lone wolves,my best friend was one until I found her injured in the woods,now she's the head delta of my pack.

"Not exactly lone wolves.They were apart of a pack but it got destroyed by our enemies,The MoonStone Pack. Hyunjin's father found them and took them in.They became Hyunjin's best friends and part of his pack.Now that I'm getting married to his mother,our packs will become one huge pack." My father explained.

"Well I can't say I'll be nice." I stated at I put my plate in the sink. "Call me when we have to leave." I told my dad and left the house.I went to the delta house.The delta house is where all the pack fighters live.As the alpha female I can basically just walk in without being questioned.I walked in the front door and saw my best friend,Dakota Lee,with her mate who is also a delta, Sim Jaeyun otherwise known as Jake.

"Morning alpha." Said Jake and Dakota with kind smiles.

"Morning." I said back.

"What brings you here?" Asked a curious Dakota.

"I just wanted to see you before I have to leave.I'm only coming back tonight." I answered,taking a seat next to her.

"You finally meeting your new mom" She teased,poking my cheek.

"No one can replace them." I said firmly.When I say them,I mean my mom and older brother who passed on with her in the attack.Song Mingi,would've been 23 if he still lived.He tried to protect me but got hurt and told me to run,which I did...but then my mom saw a werewolf trying to attack him from behind,she was quick to protect him, Mingi noticed the wolf, instructing me to run and find shelter before pushing me into the woods.I found out 4 days later that Mingi and my mom died and my father was badly injured.I was scarred across my left eye right down to my lip,leaving the eye blind.The only time I can see through both eyes, is when I'm in my wolf form but the scar is still visible on my wolf.I received a mind link message from my father."You have to come back, we're leaving now."

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