umm hi

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I'm probably not going to post some of my older art unless I'm rlly proud of it. I just wanted to share my drawings and have a digital record that "hey I exist lmfao"

Other than this note it should be art unless future me says otherwise. Hi, future me.

Anyway, if you read I hope you like them and if you have suggestions feel free to drop em

Lil warning, I don't really try to make my drawings for the faint of heart. You'll see stuff like guns n blood, probably daggers or half-naked elves. Some of my drawings can be creepy and some are wholesome. It depends on how I drew their eyes tbh.

Anyway, if you feel like that will bother you too much, you can click off. If not, dont worry, it's all in grayscale bc I can't colour for shit.

Umm have fun!!

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