Kaitlyn Winters - 2x21x23

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What's this? Another Fallout OC? It's almost as if I'm in love with this franchise!!

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What's this? Another Fallout OC? It's almost as if I'm in love with this franchise!!

Yeah, this is my Courier 6 if you couldn't tell by the Couriers Duster on the taped image.

Info time 😎

So Kaitlyn wasn't a Fallout OC originally; she was a character from my dream that woke up from a coma in a Post-Apocalyptic world. Not bombs or zombies, but more of a Government takeover. However, I decided to 100% Fallout: New Vegas (to the best of my abilities) and used her. Fallout Character creators and notoriously terrible, so she's not based on her in-game avatar but instead on what I imagine her.

Kaitlyn (despite having white people names) is of Turkish descent. I decided this when drawing her bc I realised I never specified what country of South West Asia she was from. Once making a final decision, I changed her avatar to look more accurate (and less Fallout-y.)

So onto her story. If you haven't seen/played Fallout: New Vegas, spoilers are ahead.

She was shot in the head by that dumbfuck Benny (as we all were.) His unlucky ass didn't kill her tho. This leads to his death. Get fucked, Benny.

Her story differs from my gameplay because I fucked up and did Wildcard, but I believe Kaitlyn would follow House. Mainly because the NCR is not stable enough for the Mojave, and the Legion is... the Legion.

Obviously, there's the stuff with the DLCs. Long stories short for each of them:

Dead Money: Kills Dean Domino and Elijah, flirts with Christine and helps God and Dog with their issues.

Honest Hearts: I didn't like this DLC, but I sided with Joshua bc I wasn't letting the Sorrows get pushed from their land by some Legion ass-kissers. Let Salt-Upon-Wounds or whatever his name fight for his life (though he still died bc he fucking deserved it.)

Old World Blues: Kept Mobius and the Think Tank alive. The Think Tank is still unaware of the wasteland, though. She also left her real organs and took the mechanical ones instead for more durability.

Lonesome Road: Convinced Ulysses not to bomb the NCR and kept him alive. Instead of letting ED-E disarm the bomb, she redirected it to the Legion bc they fucking suck.

K were done.

So she follows House, and she's at the second battle for Hoover Dam. She's face to face with the Legate, and this mf gets a cheap shot on her. Destroys her right leg. By some fucking miracle, she beats his ass to death and cuts off his ears for a lil NCR rep!!

Yeah, they're amputating that leg, girlie.

So they cut it off, and she gets a prosthetic hiking leg from the Think Tank bc they're Old World scientists and would obviously have one.

After all this drama, she stops the courier life and works as an engineer at the Hoover Dam.

Companions of choice are Boone and ED-E. Veronica is her best friend tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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