Ceremonial New Beginnings.

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It was yet another lovely morning, the sun still waiting for her time to shine.

Taehyung descended the flight of stairs that led down from his room to the ground floor, a small smile making its onto his lips when he saw the occupants of his house file into the dining table for a fulfilling meal.

"Good morning lovely people!" he hollered, receiving a collection of different reactions from his family members. Jin who was instructing the maids was startled by the new source of sound, Namjoon acknowledged with a nod, Jennie gave him a bored look while Jisoo was glaring.

"What's got you all hyped up on a Sunday morning?" Jennie yawned, cradling her face in her palms while planting her elbows on the firm glass of the table top.

It was still early morning, 4.30 am if Taehyung is sure and he didn't know why his papa woke him up so early. But that didn't prevent the boy from being energetic.

"Training, that's what," Jisoo replied, "He's just being cocky, now that he is starting his official training for the position of the Head Alpha. Gosh I can't believe you'd be Head Alpha in a few years time!"

"Yep, and my first command as Head Alpha would be kicking your ass out of my pack," Taehyung taunted, followed by his signature boxy smile that he knew his little sister hated with passion.

This earned a few chuckles from the inmates of the house, including the maids and butlers. To be honest, the workers of the Kim mansion are really elated to have the young master and Jennie bubba at home after so long. After all, witnessing the sweet banters between the Kim siblings is a very good form of entertainment.

"Okay, now enough, both of you," the master of the house- their Luna- Jin, glared at his bickering kids, "Don't make me whoop your asses early in the morning."

He then walked out of the kitchen- his most favorite part of the house- followed by a line of young women, carrying plates and utensils filled with a variety of food to feast on. He guided them to place the utensils in an orderly manner; with the main course in the middle, followed by side dishes, fresh juice and water.

The aroma of freshly cooked Avocado and poached egg toast, cinnamon pancakes with honey syrup and banana bread occupied the surrounding, making Taehyung sigh in contentment. His pappa's cooking was something that he missed dearly during his college days. The stale bread and sickeningly sweet flavored milk of his school canteen could never compare to Kim Seokjin, a professional chef's cooking.

Soon the members started to dig into the heavenly meal provided for them, the twins specially, looking very happy.

"Be quick to finish your meals, Tae and Jen, you're training starts today. Jackson informed me that he's already reached the training grounds," Namjoon informed, making the mentioned persons widened their eyes in surprise.

It took all of Taehyung's power as an Alpha to prevent himself from spitting out the water he'd filled his mouth with, gulping it down with strain.

Training?! Now?! Why hadn't his dad informed him earlier?

His train of thoughts were soon interrupted as his dad began to speak again.

"I know it's sudden, but trust me. The earlier you begin the more beneficial it is. You two are almost 20, been away from home for too long. You guys don't even know half the things Jisoo does. It's best if we begin now, we can't put time to waste."

An ugly feeling settled at the pit of Taehyung's chest, swallowing the happy mood he sported a while ago. He knew his dad meant good, but still, he couldn't shake off the growing feeling of uncertainty inside him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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