Call w/ nightowl

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Nightowl’s profile slowly appeared in the video call channel. The call button was calling out to you, begging to be pressed. Your mouse hovered over the button, about to click it when an unexpected wave of nervousness washes over you. Worries that weren’t previously there flooded your head. What if he was a catfish? No, that didn’t make sense because he had already shown a picture of himself. If he was catfishing then why would he call right after sending a photo. Your thoughts were racing at a million miles per minute, so much so you didn’t realize you had accidentally clicked on the call. 

"DRRRUMROLL, PLEASE! Du du du du du!"

His loud voice filled your surroundings, nearly startling you out of your seat. You reached forward, rapidly clicking the volume button to turn it down before settling back in your spot. Once comfortable, you brought your attention back to the screen, examining the face displayed before you. 

“Announcing our newest, and cutest, server member, here in the flesh! Well, almost. Would be pretty fun if they were actually here.” He says, nonchalantly. “Hope I didn’t scare you.” There was a slight smirk upon his face after seeing your reaction to his greeting.

The face shown before you matched up exactly to the one sent in the photo earlier. In contrast to his energetic greeting, Nightowl spoke in a more calm manner now. You could feel a slight heat creep into your cheeks from the compliment he had given you. A small smile forms on your lips as you look at him. 

“Yup, it’s me!” You finally found the courage to speak up. 

He returns the smile. “Ah, so you do talk. You know I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna show.”

“Oh, uh, sorry about that. I was having some computer issues.” You lied. You didn’t mean to but it just came out, especially since it would have been embarrassing to admit you didn’t answer so quickly because you were nervous. 

“Well, anyways, welcome to the Blooming Panic server! I do hope you enjoy your stay with us refined folk. Do you have any questions about anything?”

“No, not really,” yet another lie. You were two for two now. In reality, you had tons of questions. Why is this the first time you’ve ever heard about this server? Why did the link just disappear? Was it all a coincidence everyone ended up here? The list goes on and on. Despite wanting to ask them, you assumed he probably knew just as much as you did. “I’m just still trying to get used to everything at the moment.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sure it’s a lot to take in at first. A random program, new people– that’s quite a lot for an introvert like yourself,” Nightowl said, adjusting his posture, sitting up straight. With his arms resting on his legs, he looked at you intently through the screen, as if he were studying your every move and expression. 

A part of you felt offended, although what he said was true. “I…I am not an introvert.” You forced yourself to sound confident, but judging by the look on Nightowl’s face, you weren’t fooling anyone.

“That was soo unconvincing,” his chuckle soft.  “Well, if you ever need anything, I will be here until the sun is up.”

“Ah, well I appreciate it a-,” before you could finish your sentence, a small yawn escapes your lips.

“No problem. Now, go get some sleep, looks like you need it. Especially since you have class in the morning.” The smirk he had on his face early slowly shifted to a warm smile. 

“Ugh, don’t remind me– wait don’t you also have classes?” You head tilts to the side as you ask. 

“Maybeeee…we’ll talk later. Goodnight Y/n. It was lovely meeting you.” His eyes travel over the image of you on his screen before glancing back at your eyes. 

“Goodnight, Nightowl” You return his smile as the call comes to an end. 

Once Nightowl’s profile faded into the offline category, you shut your computer down for the night. The frame of the old desk chair made another creaking noise as you got up. 

I really need to get a new chair

Before laying down in your bed, you bend over, grabbing the charger from your nightstand and plugging it into your phone. The screen lit up with a small symbol showing your phone was being charged now. Setting the device down on the small wooden table, you climb into bed, wasting no time in getting cozy beneath the sheets. You didn’t realize how tired you were until your head hit the soft, white pillows. As your eyes fluttered shut, you did your best to clear your mind of any worries from today. While for the most part it seemed to work, there was one thought that kept finding its way back to the front of your mine. Nightowl. 

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