Chapter 4

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With a few hours to spare before your next class, you and your classmate, Max, decided to meet up. The two of you met freshman year of college when you ran late due to a coffee mishap that morning. Leaving the dorm building in a rush, you didn't see the girl holding her beverage until it was too late and the liquid covered the both of you. Since you were right there, you quickly ran back up to your room for a change. By the time you arrived in class, all the seats were taken up except for one, the one next to Max. It didn't take long for that friendship to blossom.

The two of you were outside with Max sitting on the picnic bench and you on the table. Max was in the midst of writing her paper for her English class while you were on a rant, babbling about something that happened recently in the Bloomic server. It has been two days since your last call with Nightowl, and in that short time, things between Nightowl and Onion only seemed to be getting worse. They were arguing every chance they were given. From what you've heard from the others on the server, it wasn't unusual for the two to bicker every once in a while, but their recent disputes seemed more serious than that.

During one of their arguments, you had made the mistake of trying to diffuse the situation before things got worse. That resulted in the two accusing you of choosing a side. Since then you haven't really chatted much when they were online.

"Seems like you got a lot on your hands," Max pipes in as you tell her about the recent events.

"Tell me about it. Oh and to top things off, he keeps saying these sly remarks like," you make your voice seem a bit deeper before you continue to do your best impression of Nightowl, "cute and nice. I kind of want you all to myself."

Max didn't have to look up from her paper for you to know she was trying not to laugh. "Sounds like someone's crushing on you."

After Max's remark about Nightowl having a crush on you, your internal thoughts whirled around your mind like a raging storm. A mix of confusion, discomfort, and flutter of something you didn't want to label yet. You stared at Max, the words lingering in the air, settling like a weight on your shoulders.

In that moment, a flood of memories washed over you- the late-night conversations, the playful teasing, the unexpected compliments. You played Nightowl's words in your head over and over again. Your thoughts raced, questioning the nature of your relationship with Nightowl. Was it all just friendly banter, or was there something more beneath the surface like Max said. The idea of him having feelings for you was both flattering and disconcerting. You couldn't deny the warmth that spread through your chest at the thought, but it also stirred a pot of uncertainties.

Your fingers absentmindedly tapped on the table, a rhythmic echo of your internal conflict. The words "crushing on you" lingered in your mind. Mex, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, peered over her paper, her eyes reflecting a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"But what do I know, it's not like I'm some love expert." Her gaze shifts back to her paper as she goes back to writing.

There was a bit of silence that followed your conversation. Max was finishing up the last bit of her paper while you pondered over her words. The slap of her notebook closing brought you back to reality.

"Anyways, I'm starving. Wanna head to the dining hall to get lunch?" She asked as she got up from her seat.

You slowly nod your head in response, hopping off the top of the table where you were previously sitting. Grabbing your bag which sat right beside you, the two of you began your journey to the dining hall.

Max walked beside you in silence, which was comforting in a way. Just as you reached the entrance, something caught your eye. Nestled among the fallen leaves near the steps leading up to the hall, a glint of pink peeked through the earthy hues.

Curiosity getting the better of you, you crouched down and gently picked up the source of the shimmer, dusting off what little dirt covered it. In the palm of your hand rested a delicate little pink enamel owl pin. Its eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and the craftsmanship revealed intricate details. You couldn't help but to marvel at the discovery. Whoever lost it must not have realized it had fallen off.

"Look at this," you said, showing the pin to Max. "Isn't it cute?"

Max peered over, a smile playing on her lips. "Maybe it'll bring some good luck"

"Yeah, maybe." You look down at the pin one last time before attaching the new charm to your bag.

Over lunch, the idea of a sleepover floated into your conversation. Max suggested it as a way to unwind from the stressors that currently clouded your life. Plans became solidified as you discussed the details over your meal, deciding to convene later at your dorm for an evening of movies, snacks, laughter, and the company of your closest friend.

You both parted ways after lunch, each heading to separate classes. Max waved goodbye, her excitement for the upcoming sleepover evident. The afternoon casted elongated shadows as you made your way to the lecture hall that housed your last class for the evening.

Later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in warm hues, you found yourself back at the dorm, preparing for Max's arrival. The little pink owl pin shimmered from your bag as you turned on the string lights that adorned the area around your bed, casting a soft glow over the room. It wasn't long before a gentle knock could be heard from the other side of your door.

With a good guess of who it was, instead of opening the door, you shouted, "it's open."

"Your favorite person in the entire world has arrived," Max announces as she steps into the door room. The light thud of her bag hitting the floor could be heard from where you were standing.

Even though you saw each other earlier in the day, Max walked over and engulfed you in a hug. A small smile plays at the corner of your lips as you wrap your arms around her, returning the hug.

"Before we get this party started, do you mind if I take a shower?" She asked, pulling away from the hug and looking up into your eyes.

"Knock yourself out. I'll have everything set up by the time you are out."

Max gives a small nod before disappearing into the bathroom. The sound of running water could be heard along with the muffled noise of shuffling around. While you waited for your friend to finish up, you decided to make the room cozier for the upcoming movie night. Fluffing the pillows and straightening the blankets created a comforting ambiance.

As you were arranging things, the familiar notification sound repeatedly pinged from your computer. At first, you tried to think nothing of it until it continued. Accepting defeat, you made your way over to the small desk and opened the source of the noise to investigate what was going on.

@LovelyLola plss join the call I need to talk to you

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