Basics of Demons

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I'm carry Eda up the stairs, my arms locked under her armpits while Luz supports her legs.

Obviously the pet just watches.

I kick an animal skull out of the way then Luz and I lay her in her nest, all the while Eda snores loudly.

"Sorry for pushing you miss Eda," Luz quietly apologizes, "Please don't hurt me when you wake up."

"Should I bap her again?" the pet excitedly asks.

"Sure, why not." I shrug with a chuckle.

"No bapping!" Luz objects, "Just let her rest you little goober. And you too big goober. Lets go downstairs."

Luz starts to go and the second she leaves the pet baps her again and runs of with a cackle. I sigh with a smile as I follow behind the two and close the door.

We hang out in the living room and I watch as the pet draws a demon with tons of mouths. As he finishes, he hands it to me and I nod and pat him on the head.

Meanwhile Luz is groaning as she draws circles in the air, trying to do magic, but to no avail.

"This is all she does! Why you gotta be so cryptic, Owl Lady?" She sighs, pressing play on the video she made.

"Now you see, the spell circle is really..."

"You know what's really cryptish?" I ask, putting the pets notepad over her phone and flipping through the pages, "These bone chilling demons like...Smoochie Pie the Sweetie Baby?"

Luz and I give the pet a confused look.

"Look he's a lot more threatening than his name implies." He quietly says as I pass him his sketchbook back.

"Look guys I just want to figure out this spell. But if I don't have a bile sack, what's the point? I'll just be twirling my fingers around un-magically forever."

"Why do you want magic so bad and quickly, anyway?" I ask.

"Hunter you know I was a nobody back home. And you were only known because you were bullied. But if we can learn real magic and become witches, we can actually, I don't know, be someone? Someone worth bothering to care about? I mean, haven't you ever wanted to be taken seriously?"

I pause before responding.

I mean, yeah. I do know what that's like. The only reason I have my whole reputation at school is from me doing things so I can be taken seriously. Or so people will take Luz seriously. Most of the time that involves fights, but better me than her.

"If I help you guys out can you both listen to my lesson?" the pet asks.

Luz gasps and puts her phone away.

"Yes, yes, absolutely. You can teach me-"

"Us." I correct.

"Us all week if you help us learn that spell."

"Well Eda said witches used to do magic, right? So there has to be a way! I have this theory." The pet flips to a new page and begins to sketch his thoughts, "Every day I notice Eda sneaking drinks of this special elixer, see? Then she always gets a boost of energy, see? I think that's where she gets her powers. And I know where to get some."

"Seriously, pet?" I chuckle, interested but still sarcastic.


Luz grabs him and pulls him into a hug.

"Thank you so much! You're a prince."

"King. I'm King. And I'm still not a pet, Hunter!"

Luz and I wait in the kitchen while he scampers away. It doesn't take long for him to come back in holding the exlier and hands it to me. Luz looks at me excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet and grinning as wide as she can.

"What?" I laugh.

"We're going to learn magic! This is historic! We shall be the first humans to do real magic."

I lightheartedly scoff and take the cork out of the bottle. As I bring it to my lips, thunder booms outside. I slightly jump and nearly drop the bottle, but keep a strong hold on it. Luz and I sigh with relief.

"Come on humans!" The pet urges, "Lets get this light spell learned!"

Just as he says this, the lamps all flicker then go out.

"Really, pet? You just had to bring up light."

"Hey! Hooty controls the house lights. I had nothing to do with this. He probably just fell asleep."

Suddenly a crash comes from the living room.

"Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty yells.

"Hooty!" Luz exclaims

I set down the elixer then the three of us rush into a living room. We gasp when we see a shadowy monster, claws scratching through the doors. It growls as it stares at us before running away.

"Oh fuck no."

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