🌞Chapter 6🌻

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It seems like Mew really liked the TV. Once I’d told him that you could change channels using the remote control, he quickly started pushing buttons with ease. The TV had been playing Channel 1 before Mew came over, and after cycling through all of the other stations, Mew finally returned to the channel that I’d been watching while folding laundry.

A nostalgic show appeared on the screen with talking puppets acting out the drama. Ah, I used to watch this show a long time ago, huh—this sure brings back good memories. I remember that the ninja in this show had been my #1 fave for an entire year. I only watched idly, contrasting with the way Mew seriously regarded the screen in absolute concentration.

“This is amazing…in this world, even dolls are able to speak…!”

Ahh, nope, looks like I even have to tell this guy about the existence of the word ‘fiction’…

After I finally finished the laundry, I headed over to the kitchen and popped open the fridge. It’s pretty much filled with only water and beer. In fact, it’s kind of miraculous that I even had eggs in here.

Three days ago I’d gotten them because I had wanted to add them to my chicken instant ramen, but once I’d run out of ramen there wasn’t any use for the rest of them. Though, there’s still one cup noodle left in the cupboard. If there’d been two then that would be it for dinner, but in the end there’s really only one, huh… Guess there’s no helping it. I’ll just have to go shopping. After deciding that, I immediately got ready.

“What’s going on? You’re putting on a coat…”

“There’s no food, so I’m gonna go shopping. Watch over the house for me.”

“You’re planning to go alone?”

“Yeah, the supermarket’s close by, so.”

“Wait, it’s getting dark outside. It’s dangerous to go by yourself.”

“Isn’t it six o’clock right now? Not sure that qualifies as dangerous.”

“No, it’s still not good. I ask that you please at least allow me to accompany you as an escort.”

He grabbed both of my shoulders. Jeez, this guy, I can already tell the trend in his behavior. The minute I try to deny him something, he goes and does something even more troublesome.

I weighed the consequences of how annoying he’d be if I left him here versus if I brought him with me to the store, and strategically decided to take him with me. “Fine,” I told him with a nod, once again opening the closet door.

My coats were too small for him, but it was way too cold out to not wear one.

“Wear this,” I said, handing a coat over to Mew. The length of the arms was too short, so the cuffs of his white dress shirt peeked out. The fit of the shoulders was also tight…Alright, that’s enough, I don’t need to keep comparing the sizes of my body parts to his anymore so let’s just stop.

I left this guy to sort out how to put his own shoes on, and went to leave the apartment. Standing in front of the door, I took a peek back into the corridor of my apartment and saw that sometime in the space between me grabbing the key and walking outside, Mew had for some godawful reason taken his sword and equipped it. This guy. This guy, had he not been listening to a single thing I said this morning?!

“What the heck are you doing?! Hey!”

“If I don’t bring this—”

“People are gonna think you’re dangerous, and you’ll get arrested!”

Picked Up A Strange Knight (MewGulf AU)Where stories live. Discover now