CHPT 2 - "Change of Plans"

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Chay felt like he had been walking around in circles. He had been here before in the last 10 minutes. It was aggravating, how could you miss the minor family mansion...? It was supposed to be huge right?? Something noticeable among all other houses.
Chay thought, he looked at the map on his phone, the location was right. There was a gate, a tiny one in front of him, but it wasn't fancy and there were no body guards around. So it couldn't be the minor family mansion, but the map pointed out Chay had arrived to his destination.

"Hia, what the hell? This is my house, I live here!" yelled a man from behind the tiny crafted gate. Chay put his phone in his back pocket, and walked toward the tiny gate precociously. He kept hearing voices, voices that seemed to be arguing between each other. "Well, I don't know, go hang out with your friends then." said another voice, this voice he had heard before, it was raspy and masculine similar to the other voice that caught his attention. "But why?! What did I do to make you angry?" responded the boy. "Pete why are you just standing there? Help me out!" exclaimed the now aggravated boy.

Pete? If Pete was there then that means he had arrived at the minor family mansion. Chay grabbed a hold of the rusty handle that was connected to the main gate: it was open. As he opened it he saw to his left a group of men arguing. It made sense now, Vegas was arguing with Macau. Pete was standing behind Vegas using him as a shield. Chay stood there watching as both men argued with each other, waiting for someone to notice him.

"Macau why don't you stay with one of your friends tonight?" said Pete holding onto Vegas right arm. "I don't want to, I want to stay in my room!" yelled Macau his eyebrows were frowned and his eyes where starting straight toward Pete's direction. "Well then, I guess your going to have to deal with Pete's moans all night. Is that okay with you?" said Vegas questioning Macaus decision to stay home. Chay couldn't help but take a step back in shock of what he had just heard. He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, his cheeks felt hot to the touch, and his head tilted downward trying to interpret Vegas's words.
Pete saw a little figure walking backward, he thought it was just a bodyguard standing in position, however after taking a closer look, he noticed who it was. "Chay! Why did you say anything?" asked Pete walking in direction to Porchay who was still flustered. Pete's back was turned toward Macau and Vegas, and after being a couple of inches away from Chay, he asked in a low voice "Chay help us out here, just go with the flow, Ok?" Pete was noticeably worried, he was smiling nervously and from time to time he would chuckle to let out his nerves. Pete suddenly turned toward Vegas and Macau, who were staring with arms crossed at what Pete was doing. "Macau, why don't you stay with Chay tonight? You know his brother well enough." claimed Pete. Pete's hand was pressed against Chay's back, forcing Chay to walk alongside with Pete in direction to Vegas and Macau.

"Chay is a better version of Porsche" Vegas said, trying to convince Macau into staying somewhere other than the Minor Family Residence. "But I don't understand, It's not like I haven't heard Pete and you getting rowdy in the middle of the night" exclaimed Macau, trying to understand why his brother suddenly needed him gone for the night. "We're trying something different tonight, I don't want you here. You're too young to be hearing these things!" Pete nodded in direction to Macau, confirming what Vegas had said. At this point Chay felt like he was going to faint if they kept talking about adult stuff around him. He appreciated them being so open, but he'd never heard these kinds of things before. Is this how Porsche was around Kinn? Just the thought of it made Chay's muscles tighten in awkwardness.

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