Forbidden| 09

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Amelia sighed as she Walked into her classroom. She had entered a meeting at the manor and she felt tense. She was worried over how she was a foible agent and she hated it

Amelia knew that the last thing that she wanted Remus to hate her. She knew all of this was keep her safe and she wanted nothing more

Amelia turned to see adalynn as she stood in the doorway and smiled as she looked to her and smiled

"Are you okay" adalynn asked her sister who leant against the side of her desk and smiled as she looked to Amelia

"I guess. It's just so hard right now. I feel as if i am betraying Remus in all of this" Amelia said as adalynn looked to her and smiled

"My god. You really like him don't you? Remus" adalynn asked as Amelia looked to her and smiled

"I do and that scares me. It scares me how much I like him all of this is a mess" Amelia said as adalynn nodded

"And that's okay. Look you are doing this is not the wrong thing. Your spying on the dark lord and I think the only reason Remus will be mad is because of the danger that you are outgoing yourself in and the fact that you haven't told him. He will not hate you" adalynn said as Amelia looked to her sister and smiled

Amelia knew how messy that things were and she only hoped that adalynn was right

Amelia smiled as she walked into the great hall and smiled as she walked over and sat next to Remus

"You look tired" she said as he smiled

"the full moon is coming up but I'll be fine. You don't need to worry over me" he said as Amelia looked to him and smiled

"Of course I care for you remus. I know how hard it is for you and I want to be here for you. Don't push me away" she said as she leant in and kissed him. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he pulled her close

Amelia felt herself melt into the kiss as she ignored the wolf whistles from the fellow students and smiled as she looked to Remus and smiled

Amelia looked to him and smirked. She knew what adalynn was saying and she knew how it was right and how was slowly falling in love with Remus lupin

Amelia stood in her chambers as she heard a knock. She answered the door and smiled as she saw Remus as he walked inside

She looked to him and smiled as she pulled him close and kissed her

"I just wanted to make it work. Me and you" he said as she looked to him and smirked as he kissed her.

She moaned as she pulled him towards her bed as he pushed her down into it and smirked Amelia ran her hands through his hair as they kissed passionately as he ran his hands up the dress that she was wearing as he pulled it off of her as he pushed her into the bed

He rolled over so that he was on top of her and smirked as he pulled off the panties that she wearing. She moaned as he got between her legs as she felt his tongue enter her

She moaned and arched her back towards him as she felt his tongue tease and pleasure her. She gripped at his hair and pushed him to her ad she felt herself her close

He pulled away from her and smirked as he got between her legs and he pushed into her. Amelia bite down on her lip as she adjusted to his size as he started to move in and out of her

He gripped her hands pinning her arms to the bed. He thrusted his hips against hers as he moved and out of her at a pace that they both wanted

Amelia rolled her head back and moaned as she felt herself release her load as he followed her and rolled over beside her and smirked

Neither of them aware of just how things were about to change between them

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