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Remus was in utter disbelief at how Amelia had proposed to him. He couldn't believe it. He didn't know she was that serious about him.

Remus didn't know what to say. But he couldn't see why she wanted to marry a werewolf who didn't have much. He knew she was a much better person than her family gave her credit for.

Amelia hadn't seen Adalynn since the whole situation at the manor. Severus refused to let her anywhere near.

She knew she was blaming herself for it. she needed to see her. To know she was okay. But she needed to get Severus out of the way.

Things with her and Remus were going well. Neither had mentioned the whole proposal.

Amelia hadn't forgotten. But she wanted to know if it was something they both wanted.

Amelia had been rejecting letters from Malfoy Manor. Knowing how she didn't want to be associated with them anymore.

She wanted to build her own life with Remus. She wanted a new family with him. She wanted to cut off her old life and move forward.

All she knew was that things were awkward at the moment. And Amelia wanted to do something that would change it all for her.

Morning came and she was lying in bed with Remus. They had just finished having sex.

Amelia looked to him and smiled. "You never gave me an answer."

Remus looked to her. He nodded. "I know darling. It's a lot to think about. I have nothing to offer you," he said.

Amelia rolled her eyes. But she smiled. "Remus. I don't care. I don't care if we have to live in the woods in a cardboard box. I don't care. I only want you and the life we could have together."

Remus smiled. "I have a cottage. It's located in Devon. Overlooks the ocean. You'd like it there."

Amelia grinned and nodded. "See. We don't need much. We just need each other."

"Give me till the end of the day. Okay?"

"Okay. Remus? I'm serious. I will give up everything for you. I love you. And I want you," Amelia told him.

Amelia found herself outside of Severus' chambers. She wasn't giving up until she had seen her sister. She knocked the portrait and within a few moments he answered. "Amelia."

"I want to see her Severus. Please."

"She got worse during the night. The torture had done something to her. She's in St Mungo's waiting for treatment. Albus was to tell you this morning," Severus told her.

Amelia felt sick. She shook her head. "No. You're lying. She's okay. She has to be."

Severus sighed. "We got her there in time for there to be no permanent damage. She will recover. It's just a matter of time."

Amelia wiped her tears away. She nodded. "Okay. I'm going to see her. She's my sister. My best friend. And I'm not going to lose her," she said.

Remus looked up as Amelia walked in. He smiled and kissed her lips gently. He looked to Amelia. "Are you okay love?" He asked.


Remus nodded. He kissed her again and smiled. "I've been thinking. And if you're happy, I will happily marry you," he told her.

Amelia looked to him and grinned. But were things going to stay good for her? Or would it all come crashing down around her?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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