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„Hi Maisie, sweetheart." the sound of my mom's voice echoes through my phone. Her voice sounds distant— meaning she probably put me on speaker while doing something in the kitchen. She always does that. It has me smiling like an idiot.

„Hey Mom, how are you?" I'm fumbling the keys out of my purse to lock the shop's door.

Zoya helped me put the ordered bouquets together and Darren delivered them to the customers. After he was done he brought us lunch and we closed early.

It's now early evening as I lock the door and make my way to my apartment.

„Oh I'm good, I'm cooking dinner right now. What about you, did you have a nice day?" she yells over the loud sound of boiling water.

„Yea, it was pretty busy today but I closed early—" for a moment I absorb the view in front of me. The beautiful town fills my vision. I love it here. This place truly feels like home— "Does the offer for the house-keeping still stand?" I blurt out.

„You want to do it?" she happily exclaims. I can hear a rush of relief in her voice.

Zoya is definitely right. I need some free time. „Yes gladly"

„I'm so thankful that you take a break, I know how hard you work, you will love the house—" it's been three years since my parents moved towns and I still haven't managed to visit them. I am indeed very excited to see their house.

„Mom?" I question as she goes still.

„Yea hun, I'm here." she doesn't sound very calm anymore.

„Something wrong? Did you find someone else?"

This would be the absolute worst. I couldn't blame my parents though, I actually turned down the offer and now I spontaneously tell them I would do it. It would suck if they had someone else but that would be my fault.

„Uh, no. Everything's fine I just thought about something, but you can definitely stay here"

Relief rushes through my body as I let out a sharp exhale.

„Good. I'm excited."

After planning my arrival, I hung up, reaching my apartment building. As I open the door I am welcomed by the scent of honey and flowers. The green couch stands in the center of the room, facing the big windows that give me the most beautiful view of my hometown.

I slip out of my shoes and make my way to the bedroom looking for my laptop. The white device is placed on my white satin sheets of my bed where I left it this morning.

Grabbing it, I enter the living room again, planting myself on the couch. Scrolling through my emails and checking my socials, I hear my stomach grumble.

So I open a new browser tab and order some food, when I receive a text message from Zoya.

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