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[ Maisie ]

The cool summer morning breeze hits my face as I make my way to the flower shop. The birds happily chirp in the early hours of this beautiful day. A slight gust of wind causes my hair to whirl around, when goosebumps form on my naked arms.

I cross the street stopping at the little bakery to get myself another coffee. I'm certainly not a morning person, not even after running my own business.

Stepping through the door of the little bakery I'm immediately surrounded by a warm wave of air, as the smell of all these delicious pastries hit my nostrils, causing me to inhale the sweet smell in a long breath.

"Morning,Maise" the nice lady behind the counter greets me with a toothy smile, showing her perfectly white teeth. Her silver hair is fixed in a low bun, exposing her golden hoops."Good Morning Sylvia!" approaching the counter I give her a big smile, giving her my order.

Then my eyes trail to the blueberry muffins that practically call my name, yelling  to be purchased by me. Okay enough of these silly thoughts. Right in time, my stomach grumbles, so I can't help but buy one.

"They're hard to resist, huh?" Sylvia asks, packing the muffin in a little box. Just looking at it makes my mouth water, longing for the sweet taste. Sylvia knows my obsession for her blueberry muffins damn well, so I just hum, agreeing with her.

Handing me the box with the muffin and the coffee, I say goodbye, leaving the warm shop.

Five minutes later, I find myself in the backroom of the flower shop, putting down my tote bag and placing my muffin on the desk. As I look at the time, I see that we open in 30 minutes already, so I decide to leave the muffin for later, as I prepare everything in the shop.

Placing the flowers in their usual spot and putting together a few bouquets I see that it's 8 o'clock already, so I turn the sign that is hanging in the door window to open and drink the rest of my coffee.

[☀︎ ☀︎ ☀︎]

Half a hour later I am joined by Serena. Her straight  blond hair swings with every motion she does. Her fingers curl around the flower stems as she puts them into beautiful vases.

"Wait when will this new girl come here? I am so excited!" she asks, a big smile spreading over her lips. I missed Serena. She wasn't here for a few days since she had the flu.

"She'll be here by 9 o'clock. Zoya should be joining us in the afternoon." The words leave my mouth as I clean the counter from all the stems and leaves we cut off of the flowers.

"Tell me, why exactly did you want to hire someone else?" Her tone is smooth and friendly, with a little curiosity lingering in it.

"I need some time off. I considered going on a break for so long but it was never possible. I just don't want you and Zoya working here alone. It's not that I don't trust or believe in you, it's just, I really like to be in control of things." admitting that my last vacation is long overdue, I'm finally happy to be taking a break from my daily routine.

"Awh, sweet Maisie, you're such an angel. You really need some time off, and if this girl adjusts herself quickly then you have nothing to worry about. We'll handle this."

She turns around, her blue eyes searching for mine. I met Serena not too long ago. Probably 7 months ago. She desperately needed a job, so I offered her to work here until she finds something better. Well now she doesn't want to find something better. I am convinced there isn't even something better.

"Thank you Rena, I love you" I get closer and embrace her in a long hug. I truly have the best friends.

[☀︎ ☀︎ ☀︎]

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