#45-Keira Knightley Blend

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I've been surfing Wattpad a lot lately during the nighttime since I don't get sleep and I'm also sick (those two correspond to each other), and I've noticed a style of edit called a blend.

Which looks really cool! So I tried to make one.

I pulled up a random faceclaim generator, and guess who it assigned me.

Keira Knightley. 

As fate would have it!

As fate would have it!

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This was a little bit of a challenge, since people who make these edits (amazing, talented designers) are obviously professionals at it

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This was a little bit of a challenge, since people who make these edits (amazing, talented designers) are obviously professionals at it. 

For noobs like me, there are sites with multiple overlays, cutouts, pngs, everything to help me not have to work more.

But to complicate it all-

 I have this weird complex where I simply cannot use premade backgrounds and cutouts and resources without feeling even more sick than I probably already am. 

I guess it's because I feel like everything is "doable" to me, so there's no reason to use any premade resources. Call it a toxic trait, if you will.

So this took a lot more time than it should have. 

The whole layout is original too, which I'm proud of! But the process was exhaustion itself.

Excuse me now, I have to go blow my nose.

Bye! Stay safe and healthy. 

(P.S. The quote is from Confucius. I was thinking of doing a graphic where stereotypically ugly things are portrayed.)

Inspiration from: 


@ eggyeuls

Both awesome, amazing, unbelievably skilled designers. 

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