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😎Richie's Pov:

Waking up in the morning all the time for school is a real pain. Summer ended and now here comes another 2 years of hell (school). "Just great." I sighed thinking to myself as I close the locker, my hand sliding down it before taking a deep breath and walking off to my classroom. Walking inside as I immediately make my way towards the back to take my seat, not looking at anybody nor paying attention to them as I take my earphones out. I plug them in my mp3 player listening to music to cool myself down and the overwhelming feeling of anxiety. 

After class I rush out and look for my friends at the usual spot. They were outside just escaping and breathing air and not the filthiness' of the hellhole (school). I sat down next to ben as the group roared: "hey Richie!"- "Finally, you came." Beverly said smiling at me. I always felt at home when I am with them, being goofy old me I proceed to crack jokes here and there. "L-Look who d... decided to join u...us!" Bil said. He was still working on his stuttering, but it's gotten better honestly. 

"Eddie!" Stanely smiled. "Welcome." he said. There he was...Eds. My heart began to beat as my stomach started to fill up with butterflies. I couldn't help but stare at him, stare at his legs as they were slim and smooth, stare at his eyes and smile as he was just so cute. Beverly already knew as she nudged my shoulder. "Eh? ~" she teased laughing. I shove her off rolling my eyes. She wasn't wrong though, Ed always made me feel something strong.

"Hey Eddie spaghetti~" I made my way over to him as I teased the male. I loved watching him get mad and embarrassed. It was funny and to the rest of the group too as they laughed. All talking about their drama before and just coming along. 

😒Eddie Pov: 

finally, out of class I make my way outside to find the group. That teacher I absolutely hate. Ran into him in the bathroom as he never washed his hand. Even the thought of that made me gag as I shivered shaking my head. "Gross..." I sighed making my way over as I sat next to Stanely. "Hey! thanks stan." I smiled at him and did a quick pose for the camera as I sat my bookbag down and sat right after. I felt eyes on me, but I didn't think anything of it as I looked to my right at the sudden noise: "Hey Eddie spaghetti~" Richie. Absolute dork. I palmed my face as I blankly stared at the boy. "I told you to stop with the nicknames!" I groaned and started to attack the male playing around on the grass. Everyone was laughing at the two of us wrestling with each other.

😎Richie Pov: 

I whined at the sudden attack as I was slammed against the soft ground behind me. I laughed and fought back with eds. "This is a bit kinky~" I teased as he ended up on top of me, beating me. I always let him so I can make such remarks.

"Oh, shut it you pervert." Eds muttered and got off me sighing as he leaned back laying on his bookbag. I crawled over beside him as I shoved him to the side sharing the bookbag as a pillow. He pushed my face, "Use your own fucking bag!" he whined. I laughed and hugged the male. "But eds~ it's too far~" I purposely cuddle with him and talked in a baby voice just to piss him off more. 'So cute.'  I kept thinking in my head as he soon gave up and I hummed proudly, "Giving up eds?" I grinned. "Yes, you're so annoying!" he rolled his eyes smiling and scoffing at my actions.

✨Beverly Pov:

Those two are definitely something. I remember the time that Richie came out to me, I accepted him OfCourse. They're cute together, now I understand all the bullying and why he is constantly getting and doing it, poor eds. I stared at them grinning as I was thinking of plans in my head, I looked at the rest of the crew. They already know, it's been a whole summer now. We all accepted Richie, plus most of us lean that way anyways. "Gays stick together." I said out loud raising my juice as you would with a glass of wine or when you're making a toast. The others joined in as we cheered.


I think this is a GREAT TIME to end it and scene. I loved writing this, brought me so much joy!❤❤  ⚠I apologize deeply if you don't like how the characters act. Please keep in mind that this is just an AU and was created for fun by me. Please don't bring any negativity around either, you can always just block me or ignore me.⚠

 💟✨Those who do enjoyed this though thank you! If you want to show some love, you can drop comments or vote or anything really. Everything and anything are fine, you can express your support any way. If you want more don't mind doing just that! If I feel like it (which I do-😉) the next chapter will be published so watch out for that!!!!!😜💞💞✨


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